gas exchange in Vietnamese

sự trao đổi khí

Sentence patterns related to "gas exchange"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gas exchange" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gas exchange", or refer to the context using the word "gas exchange" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Cam follower for actuating a gas exchange valve

2. Gas exchange valve actuation device having adjustable spring force

3. Key words: gas exchange, ozone tolerance, alfalfa cultivars, stomata, photoassimilate allocation.

4. The Bleb no longer has the ability to perform gas exchange

5. In these creatures the gas exchange membrane is typically the cell membrane.

Ở những sinh vật này, màng trao đổi khí thường là màng tế bào.

6. Cam follower for actuating a gas exchange valve of an internal combustion engine

7. One-lung ventilation causes adverse effects in pulmonary gas exchange and cardiocirculatory function.

8. Boil A complete ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas exchange traded fund overview by MarketWatch

9. Device for variable actuation of the gas exchange valves in internal combustion piston engines

10. Alveoli -- Microscopic air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs with the circulatory system.

11. Cam follower or rocker arm for actuating a gas exchange valve of an internal combustion engine

12. Device for variably adjusting the control times of gas exchange valves of an internal combustion engine

13. Other methods of creating a microaerobic environment include using a gas-generating pack and gas exchange.

Những phương pháp khác để tạo môi trường hiếu khí bao gồm sử dụng một bộ tạo khí và trao đổi khí.

14. Gas exchange is the physical process by which gases move passively by diffusion across a surface.

Trao đổi khí là quá trình sinh học mà theo đó các khí di chuyển thụ động bởi sự khuếch tán qua bề mặt.

15. The addition of helium improves gas exchange with spontaneous ventilation during general anesthesia for airway surgery.

16. All life on Earth changes the air through gas exchange, and we're all doing it right now.

17. PAP is an ultra-rare disease in which surfactant components, that impair gas exchange, accumulate in the Alveolae

18. Ambulacra lined by inlet pores that led to complex pleated WVS chambers - hydrospires - that functioned in gas exchange.

19. The Alveoli are part of the lungs; they are tiny air sacs that are the primary location of gas exchange—carbon dioxide for oxygen. Learn more about Alveoli function in gas exchange and how your Alveoli contribute to your body’s overall health.

20. The Alveolus (Figure 3.6) is the terminal part of the respiratory system, where the gas exchange process takes place

21. Additional, more recent ventilation methods such as high-frequency oscillation ventilation and extra-corporeal gas exchange systems are available.

22. Arterialized ear lobe blood samples have been described as adequate to gauge gas exchange in acute and chronically ill patients

23. The dermal tissue covers the outer surface of the stem and usually functions to waterproof, protect and control gas exchange.

Các mô biểu bì bao phủ các bề mặt bên ngoài của thân cây và thường có chức năng chống thấm, bảo vệ và kiểm soát sự trao đổi khí.

24. The main factor at high Altitudes is the lower atmospheric pressure, which results in impaired gas exchange and impaired hemoglobin saturation.

25. Gills provide the primary mechanism for respiratory gas exchange in Cephalopods as well as a major means of eliminating nitrogenous (ammonia) wastes

26. The Amniote egg evolved new internal structures to accommodate gas exchange between the embryo and the atmosphere and to deal with wastes

27. The invention relates to a cam follower (1) or a rocker arm for actuating a gas exchange valve of an internal combustion engine.

28. Light capturing is the specialization of the Adaxial or upper surface and the abaxial or lower surface is specialized for gas exchange (Fig

29. Light capturing is the specialization of the adaxial or upper surface and the Abaxial or lower surface is specialized for gas exchange (Fig

30. Some small multicellular organisms, such as flatworms, are also able to perform sufficient gas exchange across the skin or cuticle that surrounds their bodies.

Một số sinh vật đa bào nhỏ, như giun dẹp, cũng có thể thực hiện trao đổi khí đầy đủ qua da hoặc lớp biểu bì bao quanh cơ thể của chúng.

31. The impairment of CO transfer is primarily attributed to a reduced gas-exchange surface area rather than to thickening of the alveolo-capillary membrane.

32. The trachea, Bronchi and Bronchioles form the tracheoBronchial tree – a system of airways that allow passage of air into the lungs, where gas exchange

33. In aerobic organisms, gas exchange is particularly important for respiration, which involves the uptake of oxygen (O 2) and release of carbon dioxide (CO 2).

Trong sinh vật hiếu khí, trao đổi khí là đặc biệt quan trọng đối với hô hấp, bao gồm sự hấp thu oxy (O2) và giải phóng CO2 (CO2).

34. Cardiorespiratory System What are the components of the Cardiorespiratory system? Cardio-Heart = a pump between external and internal respiration Blood Vessels = transportation Respiratory Lungs = gas exchange

35. The function of the Amniotic membrane is largely protective, whereas the allantois serves as a collection area for waste materials and a site of gas exchange

36. Asphyxia is defined as a lack of gas exchange that results in simultaneous hypoxia and carbon dioxide (CO2) elevation, leading to a mixed metabolic and respiratory …

37. Don) Spach) gas exchange processes were measured in response to the following primary environmental variables: photosynthetically active radiation, vapour pressure deficit, root temperature, and soil moisture.

38. The Abaxial (lower) domain of the leaf consists of an epidermis with abundant stomata and spongy mesophyll cells, which function in gas exchange and the regulation of transpiration

39. In the amniote egg, the Allantois is responsible for gas exchange with the ambient air, while the allantoic sac is a receptacle for embryonic waste (Figure 3(a))

40. A pulmonary Alveolus (plural: Alveoli, from Latin Alveolus, "little cavity") is a hollow cup-shaped cavity found in the lung parenchyma where gas exchange takes place

41. Development of the suberin wall modifications correlates with the development of the aerenchyma and may play a role in preventing gas exchange between the root and the rhizosphere.

42. The term diffuse signifies that lesions appear throughout both lungs, while panbronchiolitis refers to inflammation found in all layers of the respiratory bronchioles (those involved in gas exchange).

Thuật ngữ khuếch tán hạn có nghĩa rằng các tổn thương xuất hiện trong khắp cả hai lá phổi, trong khi panbronchiolitis đề cập đến viêm tìm thấy trong tất cả các lớp của các phế quản hô hấp (những lớp liên quan trong trao đổi khí).

43. ‘The Acinus or primary pulmonary lobule (the basic unit of gas exchange) consists of one terminal bronchiole, two to five generations of respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, and alveoli.’

44. ‘The Acinus or primary pulmonary lobule (the basic unit of gas exchange) consists of one terminal bronchiole, two to five generations of respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, and alveoli.’

45. Aerenchyma tissue serves to create an internal gas exchange channel from the shoot, which is not in a hypoxic environment, to the root, thus supplying oxygen to the hypoxic root tissue

46. The trachea, bronchi and Bronchioles form the tracheobronchial tree – a system of airways that allow passage of air into the lungs, where gas exchange occurs.These airways are located in the neck and thorax

47. The amniotic egg: An air-breathing egg characterized by a shell and extraembryonic membranes.These enclosed the Amniote embryo in a private pond during its development and mediated gas-exchange with the external environment.

48. There are a number of metabolic and homeostatic changes which result from untreated pain, including an increased requirement for oxygen, accompanied by a reduction in the efficiency of gas exchange in the lungs.

Có những thay đổi về trao đổi chất và cân bằng nội môi là kết quả của không điều trị đau, bao gồm tăng nhu cầu oxy, kèm theo giảm hiệu quả trao đổi khí trong phổi.

49. Selective therapeutic measures are required on account of the entry of fresh water into the circulation as well as on account of foam formation in the alveoli and small bronchi which prevents gas exchange.

50. Thus, its clinical usefulness is limited. However, the inhalation of vasodilators such as nitric oxide (NO) or nebulized PGI2 causes a selective pulmonary vasodilation in ventilated alveoli and improved gas exchange, without any systemic vasodilation.