gallows-tree in Vietnamese

Danh từ
giá treo cổ

Sentence patterns related to "gallows-tree"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gallows-tree" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gallows-tree", or refer to the context using the word "gallows-tree" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. We're both sitting under the gallows!

Cả hai chúng ta đều đang ngồi dưới giá treo cổ!

2. The murderer was sent to the gallows.

3. The criminal ended up in the gallows.

4. The so - called heretic was sent to the gallows.

5. Men on their way to the gallows?

6. The murderer was sent to the gallows for his crimes.

7. The gallows cast a shadow even at night.

Cái giá treo cổ phủ một bóng đen, ngay cả trong đêm.

8. The taller letters have been named gallows characters.

Những chữ cái cao hơn được gọi là các ký tự giá treo.

9. The next sketch was one of a gallows.

10. Prohibited items should include gallows and leg irons.

11. Next a policeman puppet arrived carrying a gallows.

12. Corpses hung from gallows, heads were spiked on railings.

13. Now I was to expiate all my offences at the gallows.

14. But a trial will result with you in the gallows.

Nhưng kết quả của phiên tòa sẽ đưa chàng lên giá treo cổ.

15. So confiscate the map, and to the gallows with him!

Tịch thu bản đồ và đến giá treo cổ với hắn.

16. Save a thief from gallows and he will help hang you. 

17. He was saved from the gallows by a lastminute reprieve.

18. Emotional but effective and with some memorable flashes of gallows humour.

19. The blade fell, the head fell into a basket, out of sight immediately, and they called out, "Give me back my gallows, give me back my wooden gallows."

Dao rơi xuống, đầu rơi ra vào 1 cái rổ, hết chuyện, thế là họ hét lên: "Trả cho chúng tao cái giá treo cổ, trả lại đây cái giá treo cổ bằng gỗ!"

20. Would you care to inspect the gallows and look at the prisoners?

Ông có muốn xem qua giá treo cổ và các tù nhân một chút không?

21. Excuse us if we haven't resigned ourselves to the gallows just yet.

Xin lỗi, nhưng bọn tôi lại không khóai lên giá treo cổ

22. Thus, the first sound to escape Grenouille's lips... sent his mother to the gallows.

Vậy là, âm thanh đầu tiên thoát ra từ miệng Grenouille đã đưa mẹ nó lên giá treo cổ.

23. One enthusiast has constructed a gallows-like contraption in order to perfect his technique.

24. The arrangement was later modified, and gallows were erected outside, in the hanging corner.

25. No Old West gallows like they still use in four states, including Delaware.