frustration in Vietnamese

(sự) thất vọng, không thực hiện được hoài bảo

Sentence patterns related to "frustration"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "frustration" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "frustration", or refer to the context using the word "frustration" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Forgive my frustration, councillors.

Xin hãy bỏ qua bức xúc của tôi thưa các Cố vấn.

2. 23 His frustration was palpable.

3. His voice rose in frustration.

4. 18 God felt no frustration.

18 Đức Chúa Trời không cảm thấy chán chường chút nào cả.

5. I'm ashamed of my frustration.

Tôi xấu hổ vì tâm trạng ức chế của mình.

6. Action was his antidote to frustration.

7. She felt like crying with frustration.

8. He clenched his fists in frustration.

9. He cried with Anger and frustration

10. Relief agencies are drowning in frustration.

11. I was practically screaming with frustration.

12. He cried with anger and frustration.

13. Dave thumped the table in frustration .

14. Many have expressed frustration at the delays.

15. I had so much frustration in me.

Tôi cảm thấy rất căm phẫn.

16. Their frustration needs some form of expression.

17. Don't take your frustration out on me.

18. Waiting —Source of Frustration or of Joy?

Chờ đợi—Nguồn vui mừng hay bực tức?

19. I shouted at him in sheer frustration.

20. But Virginia felt a surge of frustration.

21. 8 He cried with anger and frustration.

22. 1 Dave thumped the table in frustration .

23. 27 I was practically screaming with frustration.

24. There were tears of frustration in her eyes.

25. He let out a loud groan of frustration.

26. Well the bludgeoning could suggest frustration or rage.

Đánh bằng dùi cui có thể cho thấy tâm trạng thất vọng hay giận dữ.

27. Is the child showing frustration with immature skills?

28. And I write, hoping to exorcise some frustration.

29. He had to fight back tears of frustration.

30. Why take outpour frustration on the flight attendant?

31. Her anger was only matched by her frustration.

32. Her words made his heart burn with frustration.

33. Frustration and fear of bankruptcy were his daily portion.

34. Liz's fingernails were tingling, her nerves crawling with frustration.

35. Counterespionage definition, the detection and frustration of enemy espionage

36. Her anger was only matched by her frustration.

37. These petty rules can lead to frustration and anger.

38. Steve could no longer prevent a yell of frustration.

39. Cussing to utter offensive words in frustration or annoyance

40. Buying a house can be an exercise in frustration.

41. It was a time fraught with difficulties and frustration.

42. She telephoned her best friend to vent her frustration.

43. Of course, such thoughts could only deepen his frustration.

Dĩ nhiên, những ý nghĩ như thế càng khiến ông thêm thất vọng.

44. Their frustration continued to mount, prompting the March demonstration.

45. Recession can lead to the frustration of entrepreneurial initiative.

46. Sometimes that inner frustration is an important precursor for change.

47. He beat his hands on the steering wheel in frustration.

48. Catapulte comes from the frustration of using several email providers

49. Those riots were part of the manifestation of that frustration.

Những cuộc nổi loạn là hiện thân của những sự nản lòng ấy.

50. This too can add anxiety and frustration to your life.

Điều này cũng có thể gia tăng sự lo âu và bực bội trong cuộc sống của bạn.