fossil record in Vietnamese

vật mẫh hoá thạch; dẫn liệu hoá thạch

Sentence patterns related to "fossil record"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fossil record" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fossil record", or refer to the context using the word "fossil record" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The fossil record bears this out.

2. Marine sponges have a long fossil record .

3. Around 23 million years ago, they appear in the fossil record.

Khoảng 23 triệu năm trước, chúng xuất hiện trong mẫu hoá thạch.

4. This provides insight into other sites with a similar fossil record.

Điều này cung cấp thông tin chi tiết về các trang web khác với một bản ghi hóa thạch tương tự.

5. We shall concentrate on the arthropods with the best fossil record.

6. Yet, the fossil record reveals absolutely no “primitive” types as their ancestors.

7. The fossil record reveals a long and eventful parade of human ancestors.

Những lưu giữ hoá thạch tiết lộ một loạt nhiều tổ tiên loài người mang đầy những sự kiện.

8. In addition, major groups of animals appear suddenly in the fossil record.

9. 35 Another evidence for the Flood appears to exist in the fossil record.

35 Một bằng chứng khác cho thấy có trận Nước Lụt là do di tích vật hóa thạch.

10. Overall morphology, the fossil record, molecular analyses, and biogeography all support this relationship.

Hình thái chung, các mẫu hóa thạch, các phân tích phân tử và địa sinh học tất cả đều hỗ trợ mối quan hệ này.

11. As with any herbaceous group, the fossil record of the Liliales is rather scarce.

Giống như các nhóm cây thân thảo khác, các mẫu hóa thạch của bộ Liliales là ít thấy.

12. Most are microscopic, and many have no skeleton and therefore lack a fossil record.

13. Now at Leicester, his research focuses upon the earliest part of the vertebrate fossil record.

14. Their leaves are usually characteristic Bilobate and are thus easily recognized in the fossil record.

15. The fossil record shows absolutely no such gradation in which one family kind becomes another.

16. As to the emergence of the apes, evolutionists say that ‘the fossil record is hopelessly incomplete’

17. 29 But the fossil record of the insects is far from perfect - very sporadic and selective.

18. The fossil record of Amniotes extends back three hundred million years and reveals much about modern

19. (Use material on pages 123, 124, under the subheading “What view does the fossil record support?”)’

20. Bowfins (Amiidae) - IntroducedThis primitive family has a diverse fossil record, but only one species still exists

21. However, the specifics of the origin of rainforests remain uncertain due to an incomplete fossil record.

Tuy nhiên, những chi tiết về nguồn gốc của rừng mưa vẫn còn chưa chắc chắn bởi vì các di chỉ hóa thạch không đầy đủ.

22. Thus, in the fossil record the Agglutinated foraminifera occur as a twofold group with a rather distinct

23. Anthozoa: Fossil Record The origins of the Anthozoa lie in the Precambrian, but concrete evidence is sketchy

24. And if we accept what the fossil record is shouting out, there is a limit to variation.

25. This independent evidence from DNA analysis and the fossil record rejects the glacial theory of salmon divergence.

Bằng chứng độc lập này từ phân tích DNA và hóa thạch đã bác bỏ lý thuyết phân rẽ cá hồi thời kỳ băng hà.

26. The fact is that the fossil record remains totally silent about the supposed evolution of microscopic life.

27. The fossil record of the hoopoes is very incomplete, with the earliest fossil coming from the Quaternary.

Hồ sơ hóa thạch chim dạng đầu rìu là rất không hoàn hảo, với hóa thạch sớm nhất đã biết có từ kỷ Đệ Tứ.

28. Both the fossil record and molecular data place the origin of the Chelicerates over 500 million years

29. According to the fossil record, all the major groups of animals appeared suddenly and remained virtually unchanged

30. The following is an incomplete list of species and four species have been described from the fossil record.

Đây là danh sách các loài trong chi này chưa đầy đủ và 4 loài được miêu tả từ các tiêu bản hóa thạch.

31. This explains a 30-million-year gap in the fossil record of North American ankylosaurids between these ages.

Điều này giải thích cho khoảng trống 30 triệu năm trong di chỉ hóa thạch giáp long đuôi chùy Bắc Mỹ giữa các kỳ này.

32. Since the mid-1980s the actual rates of extinction have exceeded 211 times rates measured from the fossil record.

Từ giữa những năm 1980, tỷ lệ tuyệt chủng thực tế đã vượt quá 211 lần so với mức đo từ hóa thạch.

33. We wanted to get something like a fossil record of the building, and to do this, we sampled dust.

Chúng tôi muốn có một cái gì đó giống như bản ghi chép hóa thạch của tòa nhà vậy, và để làm được điều này, chúng tôi lấy mẫu cát.

34. Conodont 'elements' The 'teeth', called Conodont 'elements', are very common in the fossil record, and have been used in biostratigraphy

35. Many scientists maintain that Chordates originated sometime earlier than 590 million years ago; that is, they predate the fossil record

36. The earliest fossil record in Europe was found near Pakefield in the United Kingdom and is about 680,000 years old.

Kỷ lục hóa thạch sớm nhất ở châu Âu được tìm thấy gần Pakefield ở Vương quốc Anh và khoảng 680.000 năm tuổi.

37. Conodont 'elements' The 'teeth', called Conodont 'elements', are very common in the fossil record, and have been used in biostratigraphy

38. This genus is known in the fossil record from the Silurian to the Carboniferous (age range: 428.2 to 314.6 million years ago).

Chi bọ cạp này được biết đến trong bản lưu hóa thạch từ Silurian đến Carbon (độ tuổi: 428.2 đến 314.6 triệu năm trước).

39. Looking back at FogBugz circa August 2006 (version 0) feels a bit like examining the fossil record from a distant geological era.

40. The Crustacea are an ancient group of organisms, with a fossil record stretching back to the early Cambrian 600 million years ago

41. “There is absolutely no . . . evidence in the prime historical source, the fossil record, for any actual connection in sequence of these kinds.

42. It was accepted long before there was any time to test the book’s hypotheses or find proofs for them in the fossil record.

43. Despite their very early occurrence in the fossil record, coelophysoids have a number of derived features that separate them from primitive (basal) theropods.

Mặc dù các hóa thạch của chúng rất cổ, coelophysoidea có một số đặc điểm cơ bản tách chúng khỏi những tổ tiên theropoda.

44. Crustaceans adapted to freshwater habitats very early in their history [1].The crustacean fossil record extends back to the lower Cambrian with fossils associated

45. Brachiopods have an extensive fossil record, first appearing in rocks dating back to the early part of the Cambrian Period, about 541 million years ago.

46. ‘The early Eocene is important for another reason: many orders of fossil mammals (especially primates, perissodactyls, Artiodactyls, rabbits, whales, and bats) make their first appearances in the fossil record.’

47. ‘The early Eocene is important for another reason: many orders of fossil mammals (especially primates, perissodactyls, Artiodactyls, rabbits, whales, and bats) make their first appearances in the fossil record.’

48. The theory lacks the spontaneous generation of life it needs, the good mutations it needs, the fossil record it needs, and all the additional evidence it so desperately needs.

49. ‘In the earliest known post-Tapinocephalus Zone fauna of southern Africa (where the fossil record for late Permian tetrapods is most complete), new groups of big herbivores - the Beaked and toothless dicynodonts - …

50. Living Archosaurs comprise birds (dinosaurs), and their sister group, the crocodilians. Archosaurs appeared in fossil record sometime in the Triassic and are thought to have evolved ears sensitive to airborne sound sometime later.