for-why in Vietnamese

Tính từ
(từ cổ, nghĩa cổ)
vì lý do gì

Sentence patterns related to "for-why"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "for-why" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "for-why", or refer to the context using the word "for-why" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. There must be a perfectly reasonable explanation For why he's not answering.

Phải có lời giải thích cực kỳ có lý việc tại sao anh ấy không trả lời.

2. This accounts for why it is also named the Goddess Hot Spring.

3. Endorsed, Has a good understanding for why and how to be a Aedile Plebis

4. 6 There may be Scriptural evidence for why the ruins have not been found.

5. That might account for why the word Cryptic has an eerie tone to it.

6. I mean, there are so many possibilities for why tumors don't go to skeletal muscle.

Ý tôi là có rất nhiều cách giải thích cho lí do khối u không tới cơ xương.

7. That will account for why beauty is a successful criterion for selecting the right theory.

8. The Times owes the country a serious explanation for why it is Bowdlerizing its own work

9. First of all, I'd like to give you an argument for why that list is complete.

Trước hết, tôi muốn lý luận tại sao list này hoàn tất.

10. Then they work up ingenious explanations for why the Torah doesn't mean what it clearly says.

11. "Maybe the fragmentation of my identity accounts for why I always ended up working with collage.

12. They offered no explanation for why they failed to mention the excessive airborne formaldehyde last week.

13. We suggest an explanation for why birds evolved from precocial to Altricial and mammals from Altricial to precocial

14. We suggest an explanation for why birds evolved from precocial to Altricial and mammals from Altricial to precocial

15. 6 Yea, today, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts; for why will ye adie?

16. Many explanations have been offered for why night bruxism occurs and who is at risk, without conclusive proof.

17. The man behind many of the imaginatively etched stories has a prosaic explanation for why his " mission statements " tick .

18. Neuroscientists Baland Jalal and V.S. Ramachandran have recently proposed neurological theories for why people hallucinate shadow figures during sleep paralysis.

Nhà thần kinh học Baland Jalal và V.S. Ramachandran gần đây đã đề xuất lý thuyết thần kinh lý giải tại sao mọi người bị chứng ảo giác hình bóng trong suốt thời gian bị bóng đè.

19. I don't want to be a spokesperson for why things go wrong in Hollywood, because then I get into trouble.

20. There are good biological reasons for why it is so difficult to produce drugs that will knock out viral infections.

21. 22 I don't want to be a spokesperson for why things go wrong in Hollywood, because then I get into trouble.

22. Behavioral economics uses an understanding of human psychology to account for why people deviate from rational action when they’re making decisions

23. It's possible to get lost in the scientific reasons for why certain Breads end up certain ways — but it’s also possible …

24. But I’ll preface this by saying I am not trying to make a case for why Amycus Carrow didn’t deserve to suffer

25. Turn back, turn back from your bad ways, for why is it that you should die, O house of Israel?’” —Ezekiel 33:11.

Sao các ngươi muốn chết, hỡi nhà Y-sơ-ra-ên?” (Ê-xê-chi-ên 33:11).

26. In this talk today, I want to present a different idea for why investing in early childhood education makes sense as a public investment.

Hôm nay, tôi muốn chia sẻ một quan điểm mới rằng tại sao việc đầu tư vào giáo dục mầm non chính là đầu tư vào công ích.

27. Fox News host Sean Hannity on Monday night appeared to Credulously accept one-time Trump lawyer Sidney Powell’s excuses for why she was unable to …

28. The first hand in particular shows Coombs “Barreling” on all three postflop streets (he “triple barrels”), while giving a thorough explanation for why he does

29. Or is it really about putting the natural world to human uses, with natural philosophy being little more than a language to account for why certain techniques work?

30. Antipodes: In Search of the Southern Continent is a new history of an ancient geography.It reassesses the evidence for why Europeans believed a massive southern continent existed, and …

31. Here are some possible explanations for why women who are Busier at work have a greater level of marital satisfaction: A successful career is a solid source for self-confidence.

32. And the most popular theory for why that might be the case is that cultures begin to recognize a color only once they have the ability to make that color.

33. Bodies Lyrics: Let the Bodies hit the floor / Let the Bodies hit the floor / Let the Bodies hit the floor / Let the Bodies hit the floor! / Beaten why for (Why for) / Can't take much more /

34. :: : Since Holocaust denial and AIDS denialism exist as Antipoles of Holocaust exaggeration and AIDS exaggeration, I look forward to the debates for why the former should be deleted and / or the latter should be created

35. 12 fresh ripe Ackees** or 1 can, drained (read below for why) 1 onion, chopped 1 T of butter or oil 1 hot pepper (such as a fruity habanero) 1 bell pepper, chopped 1 tomato, chopped fresh thyme salt and pepper to taste

36. The first of the Four Horsemen, and likely the most common, is Criticism.It is a natural human behavior for people to seek an explanation for their negative feelings and, over time, people can develop a negative habit of mind to search for why they feel so bad.

37. Project Debater, an autonomous debating system that's been in development for several years, is capable of Arguing against humans in a meaningful way, taking a side in a debate on a chosen topic, and making a strong case for why its viewpoint is the right one.

38. 11 Clothe you with the armour of God, that ye may stand against the Ambushings, [or assailings], of the devil. 12 For why striving [or battle] is not to us against flesh and blood, but against [the] princes and potentates, against governors of the world of these darknesses, against spiritual things of wickedness, in heavenly things.