fishing industry in Vietnamese

g nghiệp

Sentence patterns related to "fishing industry"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fishing industry" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fishing industry", or refer to the context using the word "fishing industry" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Texas has a large commercial fishing industry.

Texas có ngành ngư nghiệp thương mại lớn.

2. The future looks bleak for the fishing industry.

3. Berkley® Baits Drive the Fishing Industry Forward

4. It is also vital to the country's fishing industry.

Nó cũng là khu vực quan trọng đối với ngành công nghiệp đánh cá của đất nước.

5. 4 The future looks bleak for the fishing industry.

6. 10 The fishing industry was a primary source of colonists'wealth.

7. Ashored develops sustainability-enabling technologies for the commercial fishing industry

8. Ashored develops sustainability-enabling technologies for the commercial fishing industry

9. The Captain Al is a legend in the wreck fishing industry

10. The fishing industry plays a vital role in the economy of Senegal.

Ngư nghiệp đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong nền kinh tế Senegal.

11. Why Does Bycatch Occur? Much of the fishing industry targets specific species for capture.

12. There are plans to reintroduce fish to the water and revive the fishing industry.

13. We must find them alternatives, either in the fishing industry or in another sector.

14. 18 In addition, the fishing industry was a primary source of wealth in Massachusetts.

15. A sustainable, dynamic fishing industry would help us build a more stable and prosperous Somalia.

16. • Others argued that these policies impair the ability of the fishing industry to be competitive

17. Throughout Sōya Subprefecture, agricultural and fishing industry losses amounted to 23.1 million yen ($171,213 USD).

Tại khu Soya, ngành nông nghiệp và thủy sản bị thiệt hại lên tới 23,1 triệu Yên (171.213 USD).

18. Bernt Michael Berntsen is located in KOLBEINSVIK, VESTLAND, Norway and is part of the Fishing Industry

19. There it revives lifeless waters, and a fishing industry flourishes on a stretch of the shoreline.

Ở đó nó biến nước vô sinh trở thành nguồn thủy sản, và nghề chài lưới được phát đạt dọc theo bờ sông.

20. This fish has, in the past, been used as a baitfish for the lobster fishing industry.

Loài cá này trước đây đã từng được sử dụng làm cá mồi (baitfish) cho ngành đánh bắt tôm hùm.

21. The fishing industry is hugely important here : Japan consumes about 9m metric tones of seafood every year .

Ngành thuỷ sản là ngành rất quan trọng nơi đây : Nhật Bản tiêu thụ khoảng 9 tấn mét hải sản mỗi năm .

22. 🔊 After the oil spill, the fishing industry was Buffeted for many months and experienced great losses

23. tourism, information for surfer in respect of actual wind- and wave data, hotel chains, fishing industry etc.

24. The chief exports are cocoa, coffee, copra, and palm products, while there is also a fishing industry.

Các nông sản xuất khẩu chính bao gồm cacao, cà phê, cơm dừa khô, và các sản phẩm từ cọ, ngoài ra đảo cũng có ngành đánh cá.

25. 23 Conservation groups hailed the decision as enlightened, and there was little criticism from the fishing industry.

26. Closer dialogue with the fishing industry and those affected by the common fisheries policy- Expenditure on administrative management

27. The fishing industry flourishing along a stretch of the shore of the Dead Sea well illustrates what today?

Nghề chài lưới phát đạt dọc theo bờ Biển Chết minh họa rõ điều gì ngày nay?

28. Community aid to the non-fishing industry affected by the tying-up of the Moroccan waters community fleet.

29. This has brought them into conflict with the fishing industry as the harvesting of abalone is commercially important.

30. This is illustrated by the fishing industry that flourishes on the shores of the sea that was formerly dead.

Điều này được minh họa bởi nghề chài lưới phát đạt dọc theo bờ biển mà trước kia không có sinh vật.

31. Cod, herring and plaice are abundant fish in Danish waters and form the basis for a large fishing industry.

Cá tuyết, cá trích và cá bơn sao là các loại cá có số lượng dồi dào tại Đan Mạch và la cơ sở của một ngành công nghiệp đánh cá lớn.

32. In fact, Burgas - situated on the westernmost part of the Black Sea - is the heart of the Bulgarian fishing industry

33. He concluded by affirming that the fishing industry is committed to sustainability but acknowledged it will be challenging to attain.

34. The full impact on the economically important fishing industry, in particular the mussel and shellfish beds, has yet to be determined.

35. • Status of Women Canada supported Northern Inuit women in creating strategic alliances with the Northern fishing industry and the Arctic Circle.

36. Both Lake Abaya and Chamo have substantial fish populations, notably Nile perch, which forms the basis of the local fishing industry.

37. The fishing industry remains an important part of the provincial economy, employing roughly 20,000 and contributing over $440 million to the GDP.

Ngư nghiệp vẫn là một bộ phận quan trọng trong kinh tế tỉnh, tạo công việc cho khoảng 20.000 người và đóng góp trên 440 triệu CAD cho GDP.

38. From the social angle, having AIS on board fishing vessels will reduce the risks of accidents and loss of human lives in the fishing industry.

39. The Cyclades remained important to Greece for their mineral resources, trading ports, and fishing industry, and later played a similar role in the time of the Romans.

40. In simpler terms, Bycatch represents the non-target marine animals who are killed as byproducts of the mass killing of fish and shellfish in the commercial fishing industry

41. Bycatch (or by-catch), in the fishing industry, is a fish or other marine species that is caught unintentionally while catching certain target species and target sizes of fish, crabs etc

42. As a result of falling stocks of fish, there is a move to impose controls on shore angling and to deduct these catches from the quotas of the commercial fishing industry.

43. Emmanuel Otoo are now receiving regular death threats because the two of them managed to get convictions and imprisonment for three human traffickers for the very first time in Ghana for enslaving people, from the fishing industry, for enslaving children.

Emmanuel Otoo thường xuyên nhận được những lời dọa giết bởi vì 2 người đã có thể buộc tội và tống vào tù 3 tay buôn bán người

44. Rainer Ralph Eden, New South Wales, Australia Rock Anchorer at Geovert After 5 years in the commercial fishing industry I was given an opportunity in civil construction in June 2002 which resulted in a career to date within the Rock Anchoring industry

45. The leader in the ice-fishing industry offering a full line of hardwater fishing supplies, including the Fish Trap® (flip over shelters), Clam™ pop-up hub-style shelters, IceArmor™ by Clam (outerwear: bibs, parkas, head & hand) and Clam Ice Fishing c