firepower in Vietnamese

hư fire-powe

Sentence patterns related to "firepower"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "firepower" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "firepower", or refer to the context using the word "firepower" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Hunnicutt, Firepower, pp. 72 Hunnicutt, Firepower, pp. 198.

Một nằm ở phía trước của Bảo tàng thiết giáp & kị binh Quốc gia. ^ a ă Hunnicutt, Firepower, pp. 197. ^ Hunnicutt, Firepower, pp. 198.

2. Fortresses of Firepower For Artillerymen

3. This is some serious firepower, Ms. Thorne.

Cái này hoả lực khá mạnh đó cô Thorne.

4. The combined firepower from both turrets will give Zumwalt-class destroyers the firepower equivalent to 18 conventional M-198 howitzers.

Hỏa lực kết hợp từ 2 khẩu pháo sẽ cho phép tàu khu trục lớp Zumwalt có hỏa lực tương đương với 18 khẩu lựu pháo M-198 thông thường.

5. Why would they send this kind of firepower?

Sao chúng lại gửi hỏa lực kiểu vậy tới?

6. Assault is the standard role, and provides very aggressive firepower.

Xung kích có vai trò tiêu chuẩn và cung cấp hỏa lực rất tích cực.

7. To attack ( an enemy ) with heavy firepower; strafe or bombard.

8. However, the biggest advantage for the Redeemer isn't its firepower.

9. She had the weather gauge and a clear advantage in firepower.

Nó thuận gió, và có ưu thế về súng đạn...

10. Tier VIII Premium Cossack is a comfortable blend of firepower and concealment

11. Although badly out-numbered by the enemy, we had vastly superior firepower.

12. The Juggernaut Firepower at Heroic Level is something to be noted.

13. Ares Management Adds $3.7 Billion to Alternative Debt Firepower (Bloomberg) -- Ares Management Corp

14. China passes law Authorising China Coast Guard's use of firepower against foreign vessels

15. 24 America has enough firepower in the area to mount sustained air strikes.

16. Marines, concentrate firepower to the right of where the heart would be.

tập trung hoả lực vào bên phải vị trí trái tim.

17. The Algos is more of a drone-centric ship with guns for supplementary firepower

18. Stealthy and extremely mobile, the Areg can carry a large range of firepower

19. Pull the chain on all the firepower you can get on that mountain!

Gọi tất cả hoả lực ta có lên ngọn núi đó!

20. Islamists benefit , in particular , from the access , legitimacy , skills , and firepower the Left provides them .

21. If I can get DIRT in there with some of the newer firepower the state issued...

Trong trường hợp này mà được xài mấy thứ hơi độc thì dễ xử biết mấy...

22. Now, this city may not have the manpower it once did... but it has the firepower.

Hiện giờ thành phố này có thể không có nhân lực như xưa... nhưng nó có hoả lực.

23. Majestic in appearance, gigantic in size, awesome in firepower, the mighty colossus was considered unsinkable.

Với hình dạng uy nghi, kích thước khổng lồ, hỏa lực đáng sợ, chiếc tàu hùng mạnh đồ sộ này được coi là không thể chìm được.

24. In addition, the center was covered well with firepower, Polish infantry musketry supported by artillery.

25. 26 His chief general staff , Ilker Basbug, has repeatedly said that firepower alone cannot vanquish the PKK.

26. Even if the nations, out of desperation, should scrap all nuclear firepower, they would retain the know-how.

27. If you mean by vulnerability we have less firepower and less fiscal space, that is absolutely correct.

28. 29 It is unlikely that the rebels will be able to marshal as much firepower as the government troops.

29. Indiscriminate use of firepower may only serve to alienate the key focus of counter-insurgency - the base of the people.

Sử dụng vũ lực bừa bãi chỉ có thể làm gián đoạn trọng tâm của cuộc chiến tranh chống nổi dậy- dựa vào nhân dân.

30. The governor of Coahuila, Mexico, is providing more firepower to his police officers to them battle the weapons employed by cartel gunmen

31. I got a truck sitting right there with enough firepower to blow old Abdul and his boys to kingdom come.

Tôi có đủ thuốc nổ ở trong đó để cho nổ tung khu vực chúng đóng dô

32. Its armor and firepower were the equal or superior to most of the threats it faced, especially in the Pacific.

Áo giáp và hỏa lực của nó bằng hoặc cao hơn hầu hết các mối đe dọa mà nó dự kiến phải đối mặt.

33. The Brig is essentially the most balanced warship in the game, and relies on both heavy firepower and good maneuverability whenever needed

34. 5 Dalek firepower threatens to destroy the expeditionary force until the attackers hit on the idea of disabling the city's power generators.

35. Especially designed for Special Forces penetration missions beyond front lines, the Areg is the perfect match between all-terrain mobility, sturdiness and firepower

36. The ‘Bushrangers’ provided the RAAF with the firepower to escort their medevac operations, along with the ability to directly support the infantry

37. Analysizing the factors that effect the ship-to-air firepower assignment and combining the shooting advantage degree, acquires the objective function under the constraint.

38. Calcium is a full-service, independent healthcare marketing agency offering strategic and creative firepower; robust expertise with medical/scientific content; and leading-edge, in-house digital capabilities.

39. The M2 and M3 Bradley FIghting Vehicle is a lightly armored, fully tracked transport vehicle that provides cross-country mobility, mounted firepower and protection from artillery and small-arms

40. The British were so impressed that they installed Carronades in addition to the usual long gun armament, to increase the overall firepower of their ships, but later they replaced

41. By the fall of 1948, the IAF had achieved air superiority and had superior firepower and more knowledgeable personnel, many of whom had seen action in World War II.

Tới mùa thu năm 1948, IDF giành được quyền làm chủ bầu trời, cũng như chiếm ưu thế áp đảo về hỏa lực và đội phi công dày dặn kinh nghiệm, với rất nhiều người phục vụ trong thời kỳ Chiến tranh thế giới thứ hai.

42. Blitzkrieg, (German: “lightning war”) military tactic calculated to create psychological shock and resultant disorganization in enemy forces through the employment of surprise, speed, and superiority in matériel or firepower.

43. 1 Building 2 Firepower 3 Vulnerability 4 History 5 Gallery Building a Ballista requires the Ballista Hermit to be riding with the Monarch in front of an already built triplet archer tower

44. The record is a vinyl-only release made up of just three tracks and a whole lot of celebrity firepower: “Behoove” featuring Erykah Badu and D’Angelo, “Strangers” featuring FKA twigs

45. By early 1944, the T-34/85 appeared; this up-gunned T-34 matched the SU-85's firepower, but with the advantage of mounting the gun in a turret.

Tới mùa xuân năm 1944, chiếc T-34-85 xuất hiện; chiếc T-34 có pháo nâng cấp này có hoả lực tương đương SU-85, nhưng với ưu thế là pháo được lắp đặt trên tháp pháo nên linh động hơn.

46. These grenades will provide individual Marines additional firepower and will allow indirect fire against targets in defilade, behind walls and buildings or rooftops and elevated positions at ranges between 30 and 150 meters.

Các loại đạn này sẽ cung cấp hỏa lực riêng cho Thủy quân Lục chiến và sẽ cho phép hỏa lực nổ chống lại các mục tiêu trong hầm hào, đằng sau bức tường, tòa nhà hoặc mái nhà và vị trí cao ở khoảng từ 30 đến 150 mét.

47. With its Tactical Cruise Missiles, the Flapjack has almost twice the range and firepower of the Lobo . It also features heavier armor and a stabilizer system that allows it to fire when on the move.

48. Population was the key to success in any Counterinsurgency campaign” and, like Galula, Nagl further posits that this means that the Army has to shift away from its overreliance on firepower to win wars.8 Lieutenant Colonel Robert M

49. What does Attriting enemy mean? attrit destroy an enemy with large amounts of troops or firepower; reduce something in size or strength; to wear down by attrition To weaken or reduce in number by stress or military action: "Attriting enemy forces faster than they could be …