fine-print in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "fine-print"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fine-print" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fine-print", or refer to the context using the word "fine-print" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Bluegills and Botanicals if you read the fine print

2. Boilerplate is sometimes referred to as the fine print

3. Cardholder Agreement: A printed booklet a credit Cardholder receives that contains all the "fine print" about the card's terms

4. Our goal at Businessese is to make managing your business easier by cutting through all of the jargon and fine print

5. 27 They did so simply by reading the fine print and slithering through the loophole that yawned, obvious and inviting, therein.

6. Bistort SORREL SALTBUSH Antique Lithograph, printed in 1911, Botany, Good King Henry, Spear Saltbush, Purple Amaranth 108 yrs old fine print CabinetOfTreasures

7. Use credit very sparingly, and read the fine print in contracts to know exactly how much you are paying above the cash price.

8. Boilerplate — widely used, standard clauses or provisions that are often found at the end of a contract or in the contract's fine print

9. This here, on the right- hand side, is what's called a -- if you look at the fine print under the awning -- it's a hotel.

Và đây, trên đường bên phải, thứ được gọi là -- nếu bạn nhìn vào bảng hiệu dưới mái hiên -- nó là một khách sạn.

10. If you are using an Asterisk to give your reader more information (or some fun fine print), the extra info should always appear at the bottom of the

11. 23 Read the fine print, though, and you'll find that some pay only per minute you're on the phone (like LiveOps, which takes calls for infomercial customers), while others guarantee an hourly rate.

12. Some companies make Biodegradable claims, but in very fine print, note that only under certain environmental conditions will any biodegradation occur and it could take as long as 5 years for this to occur

13. Bashedness was never her thing with Lexa as Clarke, and Elyza certainly wasn’t about to start. “Babe, if you were words on a page, they’d call you fine print.” Alicia slowly sits up until she is kneeling on the bed