fiercely in Vietnamese

Phó từ
dữ dội, mãnh liệt

Sentence patterns related to "fiercely"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fiercely" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fiercely", or refer to the context using the word "fiercely" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Fiercely nationalistic.

Ủng hộ chủ nghĩa dân tộc rất mạnh mẽ.

2. They resisted fiercely.

Họ đã kháng cự mãnh liệt.

3. The furnaces glowed fiercely.

4. Woosnam is fiercely patriotic.

5. They argued her down fiercely.

6. The aircraft was burning fiercely.

7. The torches were burning fiercely.

8. Many disabled people are fiercely independent.

9. When irritated they growled fiercely.

Khi bị khuấy động chúng kêu rít lên.

10. The fire was still burning fiercely.

11. The aggressors were fiercely fought back.

12. They remain fiercely opposed to outside intervention.

13. 'Let go of me,' she said fiercely.

14. "I don't know," she said fiercely.

15. He's fiercely proud of his native land.

16. He has always been ambitious and fiercely competitive.

17. Military might is evoked through fiercely pounded kettledrums.

18. Basenjis can be fiercely protective of their families.

19. The lionesses are fiercely protective of their young.

20. ♫ rumbles fiercely across the land. ♫

21. " Was not that enough ? " he demanded fiercely .

" Như thế vẫn chưa đủ hay sao ? " ông gắt gỏng .

22. The enemy attacked fiercely,but our men stood firm.

23. Alton has made himself fiercely unpopular in certain circles.

24. She was fiercely proud of family traditions and continuity.

25. Our satellite infrareds show the animals are fiercely territorial

Vệ tinh hồng ngoại cho thấy... những con thú bi kiểm soát chặt chẽ

26. Good riddance, she thought, scowling fiercely at the water.

27. Catholic and Protestant missions fiercely competed for converts.

Các hội truyền đạo Công giáo và Tin lành thi đua ráo riết để tìm tín đồ mới.

28. The Scythians were a fiercely warlike people.Sentence dictionary

29. The dog struggled fiercely with the wild cat.

30. They brushed aside every difficulty and pushed on fiercely.

31. He knocked the tiger about fiercely until it lay dead.

32. Ablaze definition: Something that is Ablaze is burning very fiercely

33. "Oh, for God's sake, don't be sententious, " Bertha interrupted fiercely.

34. Our satellite infrareds show the animals are fiercely territorial.

Vệ tinh hồng ngoại cho thấy... những con thú bi kiểm soát chặt chẽ.

35. "He deserves to be thrashed," she protested, fiercely indignant.

36. The sun shone fiercely, like a Ball of fire.

37. 8 She was fiercely proud of family traditions and continuity.

38. Literally, kabe-don describes the act of fiercely slapping a wall.

Theo nghĩa đen, Kabe-Don mô tả hành động tạo ra âm thanh mạnh mẽ khi tác động vào một bức tường.

39. 13 "Oh, for God's sake, don't be sententious, " Bertha interrupted fiercely.

40. Like most farmers, the Brassards were fiercely attached to their land

41. The lioness will fiercely protect her cubs, regardless of the consequences.

Sư tử cái sẽ quyết liệt bảo vệ con mình, bất chấp hậu quả.

42. Connery is a nationalist and fiercely proud of his native land.

43. The sun shone fiercely down and it grew hotter and hotter.

44. Pennac's Belleville is a fiercely wonderful fillip to the conventional crime landscape.

45. Fiercely intelligent, Andrew Wilfahrt scored top marks in the army's aptitude test.

46. Claudia's heart thudded fiercely and she felt Roman's heart quicken in response.

47. The harsh desert environs of Klatooine resulted in a fiercely tenacious species.

48. And others will gain notoriety for how fiercely wild their machinery is.

49. Anger was rippling through him so fiercely that his whole body shook.

50. The Frankish clergy in Moravia fiercely opposed the use of Slavonic.

Hàng giáo phẩm người Phổ ở Moravia kịch liệt phản đối việc dùng chữ viết Slavonic.