fibrinous in Vietnamese

(thuộc) fibri

Sentence patterns related to "fibrinous"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fibrinous" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fibrinous", or refer to the context using the word "fibrinous" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The Coagulum, which is usually fibrinous, is known as a thrombus.

2. This short adaptation period was sufficient for fibrinous contact of bowel segments.

3. Fibrinous pericarditis was found on dissection in a pigeon with antibody titer of 1:128.

4. Indications were either large adhesions in the ileus or chronic sequelae — necessitating severance; another indication was fibrinous peritonitis.

5. Histopathological findings are characterised by enlarged lymph nodes and spleen, pleuritis and fibrinous pericarditis and infiltrated pneumonitis.

6. Histopathological findings are characterised by enlarged lymph nodes and spleen, pleuritis and fibrinous pericarditis and infiltrated pneumonitis

7. Pathological and histhopathological examination revealed organ changes, e.g., spleen enlargement, liver degeneration, enteritis, opacified air sacs, and fibrinous pericarditis, indicative of chlamydiosis.

8. 13 Lesions consist of necrotic placentitis and interstitial mastitis in pregnant cows, and fibrinous pleuritis with interstitial pneumonia in aborted fetuses and newborn calves.

9. We have taken a 4 mm curette and Curetted away all of this yellow fibrinous debris until we get down to some nice, healthy granulation tissue in …

10. Acute regressive alterations are initiated by haemorrhages and sero-fibrinous deposits. They can be transformed into cystic lesions or undergo organisation with formation of hyalin scars with haemosiderin deposits.

11. Histological slides showed among others atelectases, a severe desquamation of alveolar lining cells, alveolar hemorrhages, a fibrinous exudate, hyaline membranes, marked hyperplasia of respiratory epithelium, giant cells, and thickened, infiltrated alveolar walls.

12. Rheumatic Carditis: panCarditis occurring in rheumatic fever, characterized by formation of Aschoff bodies in the cardiac interstitial tissue; may be associated with acute cardiac failure, endoCarditis with small fibrin vegetations on the margins of closure of valve cusps (especially the mitral), and fibrinous periCarditis; it …