ferocious in Vietnamese

Tính từ
dữ tợn, hung ác, dã man, tàn bạo

Sentence patterns related to "ferocious"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ferocious" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ferocious", or refer to the context using the word "ferocious" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Ferocious?

Hung hãn?

2. The heat was ferocious.

3. Your dog's a ferocious creature!

4. 20 The ferocious chieftain was executed.

5. Ferocious like a storm of lions.

Hung dữ như một cơn bão sư tử.

6. Their faces were ferocious and intent.

7. Hurt pride is a ferocious beast.

8. 5 The ferocious draw near no more.

9. Let's see how ferocious you really are.

Để coi mày thực sự dữ tợn đến mức nào.

10. The ferocious panther is chasing a rabbit.

11. A ferocious sandstorm overturned a mobile library.

12. The house is guarded by a ferocious dog.

13. Ferocious competition has pushed computer prices down.

14. Butler is famous for his ferocious temper.

15. The ferocious panther is chasing a deer.

16. 5 Butler is famous for his ferocious temper.

17. Gang members have committed ferocious acts of violence.

18. Her coming must have taken a ferocious twist.

19. Competition is ferocious among card issuers for new accounts.

20. 18 The president came in for some ferocious criticism.

21. 9 A ferocious blast ( ff ) starts off the reprise.

22. 13 A ferocious blast ( ff ) starts off the reprise.

23. That geyser dominated the bathroom like a ferocious monster.

24. Once again there's been ferocious blood-letting in the township.

25. He drew, or rather dragged off , his ferocious helpmate.

26. Here were coarseness and Brutishness-- a thing savage, primordial, ferocious

27. Here, nearly all the plants are covered with ferocious spines.

Ở đây, hầu như tất cả các cây đều được bao phủ bởi các gai nhọn.

28. Their blood is filled with improbity, their face are ferocious.

29. The storm grew more and more ferocious with each second.

30. Only the most ferocious, to be displayed for your pleasure.

Loại hung tợn nhất..... để làm vừa lòng cô.

31. The congressman is one of the President's most ferocious critics.

32. Her caravan was swallowed by the most ferocious sand storm.

Đoàn người của cô ấy bị cơn bão cát hung ác vùi lấp.

33. Some common synonyms of Barbarous are cruel, ferocious, fierce, and savage

34. The ferocious winds seemed about to tear the ship to pieces.

35. The red horse of war continues its ferocious ride through the earth.

Con ngựa sắc hồng của chiến tranh tiếp tục tung vó tàn bạo trên khắp đất.

36. The ferocious defense actually would have begun long before the actual landings.

37. Lindbergh was startled at the ferocious depth of anti-British feeling.

38. The others, drawing a second's breath, closed in again , implacable, unconquerable, ferocious.

39. WOLVES OF PERDITION - ferocious Blasphemic warfare - Even though the Finnish Black Metal duo is a rather blank slate so far, the debut album Ferocious Blasphemic Warfare will change this permanently.

40. I'm the man... in the car in this ferocious machine of yours.

Tôi là người ở trong chiếc xe ở trong cỗ máy đáng sợ của anh.

41. A ferocious battle to select a new parliamentary candidate is in progress.

42. Raucous, ferocious Cawings and snarlings of the Raven, lord of the high peaks

43. In 19 many newspapers and magazines published ferocious editorials condemning the practice.

44. Alma was the leader of a people faced with destruction by ferocious enemies.

An Ma là người lãnh đạo một dân tộc đang đối phó với sự hủy diệt của những kẻ thù hung bạo.

45. 65 synonyms for Brutal: cruel, harsh, savage, grim, vicious, ruthless, ferocious, callous, sadistic

46. Ferocious mercenaries and warriors... from all brute nations... bent on merciless destruction... conquest.

Những chiến binh hung tàn từ những xứ sở man rợ nhất... những kẻ không biết dung tha... Chỉ biết tàn phá và chinh phục.

47. Experts said that ferocious winds and blinding fogs would prevent construction and operation.

Các chuyên gia cho rằng những cơn gió hung tợn và sương mù dày đặc sẽ gây khó khăn cho việc xây dựng và hoạt động.

48. The retreating Muslim army was met by the ferocious Arab women in the camps.

Quân Hồi giáo rút lui đã gặp những người phụ nữ Ả Rập tàn bạo trong trại.

49. The archaeological evidence shows that the encounters were violent and the raids ferocious.

Bằng chứng khảo cổ cho thấy những cuộc chạm trán khốc liệt và những cuộc đột kích tàn bạo đã xảy ra.

50. “They had spent the ferocious winter trapped in the snowdrifts below the summit.

“Họ đã trải qua mùa đông khắc nghiệt, bị các mảng tuyết lớn cuốn đi dưới đỉnh núi.