far in Vietnamese

Tính từ
(farther, further, farthest, furthest)
xa, xa xôi, xa xăm

Phó từ
(farther, further, farthest, furthest)
1. xa
2. nhiều

Danh từ
1. nơi xa; khoảng xa
2. số lượng nhiều

Sentence patterns related to "far"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "far" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "far", or refer to the context using the word "far" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Too little; far, far, far too much, straight to a lie detector.

2. Far from eye far from heart. 

3. Or maybe to a galaxy far, far away.

Uhhuh. Hay là đến 1 ngân hà xa, thật xa.

4. 7 Far from eye far from heart. 

5. 14 synonyms for Afield: distant places, far off, far away, remote places, beyond the horizon, far-flung places, far-off places, outlying places

6. Outrun the scope that people imagine far and far.

7. Far away.

Càng xa càng tốt.

8. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

Từ thuở xa xưa, trên một thiên hà xa xôi...

9. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

Lâu lắm rồi, ở một dải ngân hà rất, rất xa.

10. Far, far away Beyond the heather, sliding away all night.

11. I kept oscillating from too far forward to too far back.

12. Mankind is far removed from perfection and is far from being happy.

Nhân loại đã lìa xa tình trạng hoàn toàn và hẳn đã không hạnh phúc.

13. Far-IR Interferometer.

14. Conditions on Titan could become far more habitable in the far future.

Các điều kiện trên Titan có thể trở nên thích hợp hơn cho sự sống trong tương lai.

15. She is the best by far/She is by far the best.

16. Far from it!

Sự thật khác xa!

17. Preferably on a beach, in a tax- free country far, far away

Một bãi biển ưa thích, một đất nước miễn thuế xa xôi

18. Consider the far right side ‘Contractive’ and the far left side ‘expansive’

19. › Most Adamantly • Blood Gets In Your Eyes; Good From Far, Far From Good - Part 1 • Sixth Sense of Sympathy • Through the Cracks • Good From Far, Far From Good - Part 2 • Deadly Little

20. Awarded a miserly 85% on Issue on budget it's worth far, far more.

21. Successful so far, Trix.

22. Technologically far more advanced.

23. So far 13 cameras.

13 máy thu hình.

24. Have you driven far?

25. Far away from here.

Càng xa đây càng tốt.

26. Far from stupidity, sire.

Ngu vãi thật, ông bà nó.

27. So far, no success.

Đến nay vẫn chưa có kết quả.

28. I am far jesting.

29. Our ambiguous, so far.

30. Don't presume too far!

31. Far as we know.

Đến giờ biết thế.

32. How far to base?

Cách căn cứ bao xa nữa?

33. That's far too perfunctory.

Trông hời hợt quá.

34. The only setback is that I am far, far, far away from Ningbo. From the FIJI ISLANDS, congratulations to Ningbo Polytechnic on your achievement.

35. Too far for commuting

36. I've survived so far.

Và tới giờ tôi vẫn sống nhăn răng.

37. No other geese nest as far north as the Brant, and few migrate as far

38. Whenever there's prickly situation, this dandruff - laden porcupine is sure to be far, far away.

39. The Ablutions quest is one of the Far Harbor Sidequests in the Far Harbor DLC.

40. So far as I know/As far as I can see, that is highly unlikely.

41. Every Cartooned character thus far

42. The advance guard's far ahead.

43. Life's far easier that way.

Như thế thì đời dễ thở hơn.

44. The " Nautilus " isn't far offshore.

Chiến hạm Bạch Tuộc ở gần ngay ngoài khơi.

45. You're getting far too cheeky!

46. He moved far from home.

Chú ấy dọn đi xa nhà.

47. He can't have gone far.

Anh ta không thể đi xa.

48. You're pretty far along too.

Cậu cũng đã gần xong rồi

49. Excuse me. Is Shinjuku far?

50. How far can she get?

Bạn ấy có thể đi bao xa?