facies anterior corneae in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "facies anterior corneae"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "facies anterior corneae" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "facies anterior corneae", or refer to the context using the word "facies anterior corneae" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The following age sequence of metamorphic facies of alpine age is reported: (1) glaucophane-schist facies; (2) albite-epidote-amphibolite facies; (S) almandine-amphibolite facies.

2. Amphibolite facies is usually a product of Barrovian Facies Sequence or advanced Abukuma Facies Sequence metamorphic trajectories

3. Volcanic eruption facies and flooding facies are extensively developed in the Sihetun area, west Liaoning.

4. This provides precedent for facies - controlled modeling of complex block reservoirs of fluvial facies.

5. The eyes of the second group were burned applying a disc of filter-paper impregnated with the acid. It could be determined that the pH in the anterior chamber after an abrasio corneae decreased many times.

6. Amphibolite facies is a result of continuing burial and thermal heating after Greenschist facies is exceeded.

7. 20 This provides precedent for facies - controlled modeling of complex block reservoirs of fluvial facies.

8. Examples include Arenaceous and argillaceous facies

9. You may call my facies whimsical.

10. Sample from the Ariegite facies (his sample R243)

11. According to modern facies distributions the Roßfeld Fm. can be interpreted as a prograding deep sea channel facies.

12. Many algae are quantitatively significant constituents in various facies and some forms functioned as framebuilders in reef facies.

13. Greenschist facies minerals are mostly albite, epidote, chlorite, calcite, and quartz, whereas amphibolite facies minerals are predominantly hornblende, plagioclase (andesine), and epidote.

14. This was initially metamorphosed in the almandine-amphibolite facies before profound ruptural or cataclastic and crystalloblastic deformation evolved mylonitic rocks in the green schist facies.

15. Examples are given of “facies-nappes” and of nappes having been cut out of primary facies-basins in oblique angles.

16. Corneae and musculoskeletal grafts are the most commonly transplanted tissues; these outnumber organ transplants by more than tenfold.

Giác mạc và cơ xương là mô được cấy ghép phổ biến nhất; số các ca cấy ghép các mô này cao hơn số các ca cấy ghép mô khác hơn mười lần.

17. Anatomy books refer to the Anterior lobe of the brain, the Anterior cerebral artery, the Anterior facial vein, etc

18. Distributary plain facies sands body: . Meandering sands micro-facies, which represents large low sinuosity meandering disposition, and the channel sands is very large.

19. Anterior repair is used to tighten the front (Anterior) wall of the vagina

20. "Ueber familiaeres Vorkommen von 'Retinitis punctata albescens' (verbunden mit 'Dystrophia marginalis cristallinea corneae'), Glitzern des Glaskoerpers und anderen degenerativen Augenveraenderungen".

21. Anterior wedging: ring Apophyses

22. Regional metamorphism produced parageneses of the almandine amphibolite facies.

23. Anterior tibial stress fracture

24. Fractures of the femoral head, anterior column, anterior acetabular wall, and high transverse acetabular fractures.

25. Dynamical metamorphism under greenschist facies is the condition of mineralizing enrichment.