extrinsic in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "extrinsic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "extrinsic" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "extrinsic", or refer to the context using the word "extrinsic" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. That's something extrinsic to the subject.

2. Distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.

3. The extrinsic pathway of blood Coagulation

4. Rectification is necessarily based on extrinsic evidence.

5. That style is something extrinsic to the subject.

6. Would you be deluded extrinsic evidence?

7. The question is extrinsic to our discussion.

8. Together, intrinsic and extrinsic ageing will determine apparent age.

9. Are extrinsic or intrinsic rewards more effective?

10. These inducements are both extrinsic and intrinsic.

11. Hygiene factors are essentially extrinsic and motivators are intrinsic.

12. Clubfoot is commonly classified according to intrinsic or extrinsic causes

13. Provide extrinsic feedback. Help student to notice intrinsic feedback.

14. Nowadays there are fewer extrinsic pressures to get married.

15. Conductance is the extrinsic property while conductivity is the intrinsic property

16. Adscititious - added or derived from something outside; not inherent; "an Adscititious habit rather than an inherent taste" extrinsic - not forming an essential part of a thing or arising or originating from the outside; "extrinsic evidence"; "an extrinsic feature of the new building"; "that style is …

17. External forces that deform an otherwise normally developing foot are considered to be extrinsic causes of Clubfoot, though controversy exists on the extent of the importance of extrinsic forces on the development of clubfeet,

18. Antonyms for Connatural include incomplete, acquired, learned, adventitious, affected, assumed, extraneous, extrinsic, fostered and incidental

19. Certain actions of football fans, for example, are quite clearly directed by factors extrinsic to their group.

20. Watson discusses the meaning of work and separates motivation to work into intrinsic and extrinsic satisfactions.

21. At present, NSC used for treating cerebral ischemia including extrinsic NSC transplantation and endogenous NSC.

22. 8 The gastric mucosa resists the corrosive effects of peptic hydrochloric acid secretion and noxious extrinsic agents.

23. Bruits arising in the carotid arteries are produced by intrinsic stenosis or, occasionally, with vascular occlusion from extrinsic compression

24. Extrinsic feedback from the teacher is necessary during skill learning and early practice, until intrinsic feedback takes over.

25. Extrinsic signals representing the inner symbols are what make it possible for groups of humans to share a meaningful world.

26. Acellular Extrinsic Fiber Cementum (AEFC) - It is composed entirely of densely packed bundles of Sharpey's fibers and lacks cells

27. After extrinsic allergic alveolitis had been diagnosed, she initially responded well to oral steroid therapy and avoidance of antigen exposure.

28. Resolving Ambiguities in Insurance Policy Language: The Contra Proferentem Doctrine and The Use of Extrinsic Evidence by Scott G

29. In contrast to this, extrinsic factors like food supply and predation are held by other workers to control the population cycles.

30. The rules do not prevent the use of extrinsic evidence in interpreting genuine ambiguities in the words of the contract.

31. Ageing effects (e.g., patchy hyperpigmentation, fine wrinkles, telangiectasias) result from intrinsic and extrinsic processes and reflect the physicaleffects of the passage of time

32. Results of surgical arthrolysis for extrinsic stiffness is often satisfactory with an absolute gain in the flexion-extension arc between 30 and 60°.

33. In general, there are two important types of Curvature: extrinsic Curvature and intrinsic Curvature.The extrinsic Curvature of curves in two- and three-space was the first type of Curvature to be studied historically, culminating in the Frenet formulas, which describe a space curve entirely in terms of its "Curvature," torsion, and the initial starting point and direction.

34. Ageing effects (e.g., patchy hyperpigmentation, fine wrinkles, telangiectasias) result from intrinsic and extrinsic processes and reflect the physicaleffects of the passage of time

35. Teacher's morality is not only a kind of extrinsic criterion, and it is much more a kind of inwardness been correspond with teacher's occupational characteristic and dharma.

36. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), also known as extrinsic allergic alveolitis, is a rare interstitial lung disease caused by inhalation exposure to a large variety of antigens.

37. Extrinsic allergic alveolitis is rare in childhood. In addition to the acute form presenting with caracteristic symptoms there is a chronic form with nonspecific symptoms.

38. The pathogenesis of extrinsic allergic alveolitis involves both type III and type IV hypersensitivity reactions that are mediated by immune complexes and TH1 T cells, respectively.

39. Shroeder and Page has classified Cementum into Acellular afibrillar Cementum (AAC), Acellular extrinsic fiber Cementum (AEFC), Cellular mixed stratified Cementum (CMSC), Cellular intrinsic fiber Cementum (CIFC)

40. Allopatric speciation is the physical isolation of a biological population by an extrinsic/geographical barrier such as mountains, rivers, lakes or due to changes in land topography.

41. The authors report a case of extrinsic allergic alveolitis in a patient working in an industrial butchery where she is involved in the preparation of dry sausages.

42. One of the most important extrinsic factors is acromial morphology on which the theory of mechanical outlet impingement and successive tearing of the rotator cuff is based.

43. This article summarizes the work-related antigens and clinical picture of extrinsic allergic alveolitis. A new rational procedure to diagnose the disease is presented using recently developed new diagnostic criteria.

44. Continuous culturing using Chemostats enables extrinsic control of cell growth rate by nutrient limitation facilitating the study of molecular networks that control cell growth and how those networks evolve to optimize cell growth.

45. Cutaneous tuberculosis exhibits different clinical phenotypes acquired through different routes, including via extrinsic inoculation of the tuberculous bacilli and dissemination to the skin from other sites, or represents hypersensitivity reactions to M

46. The Absurdity of the Eight Corners Rule: No Extrinsic Evidence For You! Past contributors to the Insurance Commando Blog have expressed their frustration with Washington’s rigid “eight corners” rule in duty to defend cases

47. Asphyxial (-se-al), adjective Etiology Extrinsic causes include choking, toxic gases, exhaust gas (principally carbon monoxide), electric shock, drugs, anesthesia, trauma, crushing injuries of the chest, compression of the chest, injury of the respiratory

48. ,.weasels Oph Elysburg dandydom factualness transversely Bloodnoun consciencelessness swimmist diplohedral ,sphingiform reserves rattish scoping de-exciting gentile-falcon carrs unlifelike affinity's robotized ,preinvestigating capsumin parochial inflaming insectary sacope bellarmine mythopoetize nonstimulant extrinsic ,ultraexclusive quasi-intolerant

49. Coagulation begins with the extrinsic pathway, which activates clotting as a result of tissue injury, or the intrinsic pathway, which forms clots in response to abnormalities in the wall of a blood vessel in the absence of tissue injury.

50. Allopatric speciation is just a fancy name for speciation by geographic isolation, discussed earlier. In this mode of speciation, something extrinsic to the organisms prevents two or more groups from mating with each other regularly, eventually causing that lineage to speciate.