extradite in Vietnamese

Ngoại Động từ
1. dẫn độ (người phạm tội cho một nước khác, cho một nhà cầm quyền khác)
2. làm cho (người phạm tội) được trao trả

Sentence patterns related to "extradite"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "extradite" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "extradite", or refer to the context using the word "extradite" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. 2 France has applied to extradite her.

2. 10 The police extradite the murderer from the island state.

3. 1 The authorities refused to extradite him.

4. 6 It is under no obligation to extradite the two suspects.

5. 3 The British government attempted to extradite the suspects from Belgium.

6. 7 The court refused to extradite political refugees.

7. 8 They refused to extradite the hijackers to the U.S.

8. 12 The police arranged to extradite the jewel thief from the island state.

9. 9 We will not extradite him to the United States.

10. 5 The police arranged to extradite the murderer from the island state.

11. Government must immediately arrest and extradite Hissène Habré to Belgium to face crimes against humanity charges Document - Senegal:

12. 21 Another option is to skip the country, to somewhere that will not readily extradite to America.

13. Meanwhile police here are liaising with Interpol and taking legal advice on whether they can extradite Mrs Hilali.

14. 18 Warren Anderson faces manslaughter charges in India, but the United States rejected efforts to extradite him.

15. 4 The Spanish police have refused to extradite a man wanted for a bank robbery in France.

16. 20 Habre lawyer El Hadj Diouf says President Wade's decision to extradite the former Chadian leader is meant to destroy him.

17. 15 Meanwhile police here are liaising with Interpol and taking legal advice on whether they can extradite Mrs Hilali.

18. 14 At the same time the government has offered reduced sentences and a promise not to extradite traffickers who surrender and confess.

19. Ron DeSantis, an ally of Trump’s, might refuse to extradite the former president if he is Criminally charged in New York

20. In addition, there is an adage in extradition regime, which states “aut dedere aut judiciare” (to extradite or to punish) which means that if the requested State refuses to extradite the person sought, the requested State shall tries and punishes the said person in accordance with its national law.

21. Beseechful: Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is alleged to have directly intervened in the case of Cesare Battisti by asking the Braziiian president not to extradite him to …

22. Police Detective Jim Brannigan (John Wayne) is sent from Chicago to London to extradite a wanted American criminal, Ben Larkin (John Vernon)

23. He has handed Pakistan's top envoy here a formal diplomatic note - known as a demarche - with the names of about 20 individuals India wants Pakistan to extradite.

24. 16 In 2007 police detained and deported a man officials say was sent to shoot Mr Berezovsky, whomRussiawants to extradite to face fraud charges that he says are trumped-up.

25. 17 He has handed Pakistan's top envoy here a formal diplomatic note - known as a demarche - with the names of about 20 individuals India wants Pakistan to extradite.

26. 11 On Monday Switzerland refused to extradite director Roman Polanski to California for sentencing on a 30-year-old sex crime because of potential technical faults in the US request for extradition.

27. 19 If a crime took place several years ago, notes Ms Powell, a Greek court may regard it as time-barred and decline to extradite, even though other EU countries would count it as still prosecutable.

28. 13 No State Party shall expel,[www.Sentencedict.com] return ("refouler") or extradite a person to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to torture.

29. The Government of Puerto Rico did not have the power to refuse to extradite a Puerto Rican accused of offences subject to the death penalty, unlike sovereign States, which could refuse to yield jurisdiction in such cases.

30. It is pertinent to note that under the terms of this judgment, “Other abolitionist countries do not, in general, extradite without assurances.” The Committee considers that the Covenant should be interpreted as a living instrument and the rights protected under it should be applied in context and in the light of present-day conditions

31. � It should be mentioned, however, that the Treaty on International Penal Law, signed at Montevideo on 23 January 1889, and the revised Treaty on International Penal Law, signed at Montevideo on 19 March 1940, contain an absolute obligation to extradite, subject to the conditions set forth in the respective treaties (see, respectively, art. 19 and art. 18), and therefore do not include a provision contemplating the alternative of prosecution.