experimentation in Vietnamese

Danh từ
sự thí nghiệm, sự thử

Sentence patterns related to "experimentation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "experimentation" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "experimentation", or refer to the context using the word "experimentation" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Obviously experimentation is very important.

Thí nghiệm hiển nhiên là rất quan trọng.

2. Experimentation without thought of consequence!

Thử nghiệm mà không cần biết hậu quả!

3. Coordination, synchronization, experimentation, cooperation and design.

Điều phối, đồng bộ hóa, thử nghiệm, hợp tác và thiết kế.

4. " This country demands bold, persistent experimentation.

" Đất nước này đòi hỏi những sự thử nghiệm táo bạo và bền bỉ.

5. Ad-Hoc Calculations for Insight and Experimentation

6. Tzimisce: Anarchs make fit subjects for experimentation

7. It promotes experimentation, innovation and adaptive learning.

8. 2 Many people object to experimentation on embryos.

9. The 10 Cruelest Human Experimentation Cases in History D.G

10. Adaptations of reactors to facilitate experimentation or irradiation [3]

11. This period saw a cycle of experimentation with entertainment.

Thời kỳ này chứng kiến một chu kỳ thử nghiệm với lĩnh vực giải trí.

12. Exploratory learning, experimentation and adaptive management 7. 3.2.

13. The spider was part of the scientific experimentation there.

14. To sell it to a doctor for medical experimentation.

Để bán cho các bác sĩ tiến hành thí nghiệm y học.

15. 16 The issue of animal experimentation is an emotive subject.

16. 8 The issue of animal experimentation is an emotive subject.

17. This paper deals with equivalence experimentation on Shock Test.

18. Ascertain: To discover with certainty, as through examination or experimentation

19. Mastery requires experience, often accumulated through experimentation and trial and error.

20. Key words: bridge abutment, collar, experimentation, hydraulics, scour, temporal variation.

21. Every business should assign some time and money to outright , unashamed experimentation.

22. Biosatellites are satellites designed to carry living organisms, generally for scientific experimentation.

Vệ tinh sinh học là các vệ tinh có mang các tổ chức sinh vật sống, nói chung là cho mục đích thực nghiệm khoa học.

23. Experimentation result indicates that the arithmetic satisfied required control precision and placidity.

24. 23/ 00 Adaptations of reactors to facilitate experimentation or irradiation [3]

25. The history of Aerodynamics is rich with experimentation and international collaboration

26. Experimentation in health-care reform should be left to each state.Sentencedict.com

27. Without this core, the space for innovation, adaptation and experimentation is reduced.

28. The prerequisites concerning exact experimentation in regard to capacity adaptation are described.

29. He believed that science should be based on experimentation rather than discussion.

Ông tin rằng khoa học nên dựa trên thử nghiệm hơn là thảo luận.

30. • De-stress blast testing at Sigma Mine: experimentation and results | Abstract | Report (PDF) |

31. In Allopathy, dependence is on hypothesis, experimentation, and the result of those experiments.

32. Investigate and advance C2IS modelling and synthetic environments to improve experimentation with C2IS.

33. Steering organizations that shop around can even promote experimentation and learn from success.

34. The conference led to guidelines for recombinant DNA research, enabling experimentation to continue.

35. Apothesine is more toxic, as determined by animal experimentation, than procain, novocain or neocain

36. However, selecting and tuning an algorithm for training on unseen data requires significant experimentation.

Tuy nhiên, việc lựa chọn và điều chỉnh một thuật toán để huấn luyện trên dữ liệu không nhìn thấy yêu cầu một số lượng đáng kể các thử nghiệm.

37. Innovation and experimentation generated diverse territories, alien to the strict logic of the SC.

38. After laborious experimentation, they discovered the correct mixtures of volcanic ash and slaked lime.

39. - No 31 (a), (c) (Environment-friendly production and alternative methods to experimentation on animals),

40. Artless is dedicated to the experimentation and exploration of art, architecture, and design

41. 28 This method has been confirmation by experimentation, it is worthy of popularization.

42. Try it out now! Bars is built by the New Product Experimentation from Facebook

43. Anamorphoses III Auditive projection broadcasting, elaborated through perspective spatial experimentation of infinite harmonics elements

44. The contraceptive pill, introduced in the same decade, contributed to further uninhibited sexual experimentation.

45. However, in the early days of electric experimentation, alternating current generally had no known use.

46. Thus the new Commonwealth gained recognition as a laboratory for social experimentation and positive liberalism.

Do đó, Thịnh vượng chung mới được công nhận là một nơi để thí nghiệm xã hội và chủ nghĩa tự do tích cực.

47. Social experimentation is developing apace in Europe (and also in the United States and Canada

48. How can parents protect their children from such harmful experimentation and its resulting negative consequences?

Làm thế nào cha mẹ có thể che chở con cái khỏi sự thử nghiệm tai hại như thế và những hậu quả tiêu cực của nó?

49. Experimentation or adaptive learning, therefore, should not simply be used to cope with a situation.

50. The experimentation with synthetic RNA in a cell-free system was a key technical innovation.

Thí nghiệm với phân tử RNA tổng hợp nhân tạo trong hệ tự do ngoài tế bào là một sáng tạo kỹ thuật quan trọng.