expedition in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. cuộc viễn chinh; đội viễn chinh
2. cuộc thám hiểm; đoàn thám hiểm
3. cuộc hành trình, cuộc đi; đoàn người đi (trong cuộc hành trình)
4. tính chóng vánh, tính mau lẹ, tính khẩn trương

Sentence patterns related to "expedition"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "expedition" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "expedition", or refer to the context using the word "expedition" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The balloon expedition?

Cuộc thám hiểm bằng khinh khí cầu?

2. Monkeys slow the expedition. "

Lũ khỉ làm chậm bước chuyến đi.

3. Aconcagua Expedition - Upper Guanacos Traverse

4. It was a joint expedition.

Đó là 1 cuộc thám hiểm chung.

5. Say it's for a hunting expedition.

Lấy danh nghĩa săn bắt thú

6. The expedition started out before sunrise.

7. And I put together an expedition.

Tôi hoàn thành cuộc hành trình.

8. They equipped themselves for the expedition.

9. Joint Roman-Carthaginian expedition sent to Rhegium.

Một đội quân đồn trú La Mã được phái đến Rhegium.

10. He is the commander of an expedition.

11. They did an expedition to the Himalayas.

12. Who will find money for the expedition?

13. He is the commander of the expedition.

14. Fully Accoutred members of a polar expedition

15. The expedition was dogged by misfortune.

16. Every eclipse expedition also collects meteorological data.

17. He's still hesitating about joining the expedition.

18. The expedition was bedevilled by bad weather.

19. We need to find sponsorship for the expedition.

20. That was an expedition through previously unexplored territory.

21. I'll use my savings to finance the expedition.

Ta sẽ sử dụng tiền tiết kiệm của ta để chi cho cuộc viễn chinh này.

22. Berrying (plural Berryings) An expedition to pick berries.

23. The expedition left Saigon on June 5, 1866.

Chuyến thám hiểm rời Sài Gòn ngày 05 tháng 6 năm 1866.

24. He learned a lot during his scientific expedition.

25. Her enthusiasm for the expedition was waning rapidly.

26. The expedition was Bedevilled by bad weather

27. The Arctic expedition was a remarkable success.

Thám hiểm bắc cực có thành công đáng kể.

28. The expedition was over, an abject failure.

29. She led an expedition into the interior.

30. The expedition covered a lot of ground.

31. 1 See also Lewis and Clark Expedition.

32. Henry then launched his third punitive expedition in Italy.

Heinrich sau đó tiến hành cuộc chinh phạt thứ ba tại Ý.

33. Roald Amundsen's expedition was planned around 97 sled dogs.

Nhà thám hiểm Roald Amundsen đã lên kế hoạch khoảng 97 con chó kéo xe.

34. The expedition members carried flares in their survival kit.

35. On 21 January the expedition reached the South Pole.

36. I hope you're right about this expedition of yours.

Hy vọng ông đúng về chuyến đi của mình.

37. You once organised an expedition to find the yeti.

38. Unlike many other K2 expeditions which have ended in acrimony and bitterness, such as Wiessner's 1939 expedition and the successful Italian expedition of 1954, the 1953 expedition formed lifelong bonds of friendship between its members.

39. The intention of the expedition was to discover food.

Mục đích của hành trình là tìm kiếm nguồn thức ăn dinh dưỡng.

40. She was about to embark on a major expedition.

41. He was on an expedition to explore the Antarctic.

42. The expedition was abandoned because of adverse weather conditions.

43. Cao traitors seized His Grace for " hunting expedition " in Yecheng.

Giặc Tào lấy danh nghĩa săn bắt

44. The expedition marked a milestone in the history of exploration.

45. It means their fishing expedition came up empty.

Nghĩa là sự thăm dò của họ đã thất bại.

46. We're going on a shopping expedition on Saturday.

47. 9 The explorer organized an expedition to the North Pole.

48. The expedition failed by means of a Contrariety of winds

49. Ferdinand Magellan's expedition was the first to circumnavigate the globe.

50. Each ship will carry two Expedition RIBs supplied by Boomeranger