expansionism in Vietnamese

Danh từ
chủ nghĩa bành trướng

Sentence patterns related to "expansionism"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "expansionism" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "expansionism", or refer to the context using the word "expansionism" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. We stood firmly against expansionism.

2. Soviet expansionism was considered a real threat.

3. 6 Soviet expansionism was considered a real threat.

4. This is Spaniard colonial in America final expansionism action.

5. The Achaemenids have the power of Expansionism

6. We stand together in opposing expansionism and hegemony.

7. By 19 therefore, expansionism had turned into overt and formal colonialism.

8. The trend is away from aggressive expansionism toward realistic survivalism.

9. 19 By 19 therefore, expansionism had turned into overt and formal colonialism.

10. The owners of the firm feared the manager's vigorous expansionism.

11. China would never seek hegemony or expansionism, nor an arms race. Sentencedict.com

12. What limits were there to the expansionism of the king of the north?

Chủ nghĩa bành trướng của vua phương bắc bị giới hạn ra sao?

13. Expansionism was advocated by many British politicians in the late 19 th century.

14. He warned against a fake detente that would sap resistance to expansionism.

15. There is no doubt whatsoever that this expansionism was a deliberate and carefully controlled policy.

16. 4 As a consequence of expansionism by some European countries, many ancient cultures have suffered.

17. Adults, adult women in particular, are subscribing to this expansionism for themselves without question.

18. Expansionism was among the various issues that played a role in the coming of the war.

Chủ nghĩa bành trướng là một trong số các vấn đề đã đóng một vai trò trong cuộc chiến tranh sắp diễn ra.

19. Colonialism as a concept has its roots in European expansionism and the founding of the so-called New World

20. Akihito’s father, Hirohito, reigned for 62 years, leading Japan through a period of imperial expansionism and World War II

21. This system progressively broke down after c. 390 BC, when Rome's aggressive expansionism led to conflict with other Latin states, both individually and collectively.

Hệ thống này bị phá vỡ k. 390 TCN, khi chủ nghĩa xâm lược và bành trướng của Roma gây ra xung đột với những thành bang Latinh xung quanh.

22. Giving examples of the American Manifest Destiny, Monroe Doctrine, the recent aggression against Yugoslavia, as well as Francis Fukuyama's 'end of history' thesis, he justifies Russian expansionism with an urgent mobilization of strategic, economic and socio-cultural resources which to him is the only correct response to the blatant Atlanticism