exorbitantly in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "exorbitantly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "exorbitantly" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "exorbitantly", or refer to the context using the word "exorbitantly" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Prices are exorbitantly high.

2. Private child care is exorbitantly expensive.

3. Prices are exorbitantly high in this shop.

4. Prices are exorbitantly high in the capital.

5. Indeed, it is persisting with exorbitantly high interest rates.

6. The melting point of iron was exorbitantly hot.

7. Nevertheless, we also cannot reckon industry of this network game serves standard function exorbitantly .

8. "Food prices are exorbitantly high for the majority of households, " the report says.

9. In some countries, prices are exorbitantly high which are ten as much as that in China.

10. When SEL is not emphasized, warns Weissberg, the price children, their parents, teachers, and society pay can be exorbitantly high.

11. The refundings went better than expected. At least they can get their business done without having it be exorbitantly expensive.

12. When I was growing up, the only way to raise a truly international child was via an exorbitantly priced Swiss boarding school.

13. Since plaintiffs naturally inclined to value their lost property exorbitantly, defendants did have reason to think seriously about restoring it.

14. The divide between the exorbitantly privileged and the original sinners was especially deep after the East Asian crisis of 1997-

15. For now, the high-speed trains appear to have few riders, mainly because ticket prices are considered exorbitantly high for most Chinese.

16. My British friends, having saved five years for their holiday, purchased an exorbitantly priced book on the warriors, and lined up for a Yang signature.

17. Some analysts say Japan is at a major disadvantage as high prices for local farm produce mean locally-made green fuels are exorbitantly expensive.

18. It is difficult problem to protect computer software sufficiently but not exorbitantly in the legislative choice and protection of all countries, which is also international problem.

19. 21 Some patients wear sleeve belt exorbitantly too low perhaps, the pressure when blood stream passes these places had produced a change, metrical result is not accurate of course.

20. This resulted in a stressful, mad scramble in a foreign country, trying to book a last-minute hotel that wasn't exorbitantly priced during a very busy film festival.

21. Earlier in the summer people's imaginations had been fired by a lone consumer's successful Facebook-driven countrywide boycott of cottage cheese which, thanks to a cartel, was exorbitantly expensive.

22. Abominably acerbically Acerbly acidly acridly acrimoniously agonizingly awfully baldly balefully bitingly blatantly brashly caustically confoundedly corrodingly corrosively cruelly cuttingly damnably deadly deathly deucedly distressingly dolorously dreadfully egregiously excessively excruciatingly exorbitantly extravagantly flagrantly frightfully

23. (a) whether Government is aware that various agencies mostly fake in the name of facilitating study or seeking jobs abroad are mushrooming without any checks and balances, charging exorbitantly high fees from students/job applicants;