erratic in Vietnamese

Di chuyển, chạy
Kỳ cục

Sentence patterns related to "erratic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "erratic" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "erratic", or refer to the context using the word "erratic" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The prosody is erratic.

2. Deliveries of goods are erratic.

3. This clock is rather erratic.

4. No, the communication is erratic.

Không, sóng rất chập chờn.

5. Your work is always erratic.

6. His breathing was becoming erratic.

7. Foliation, bloom, and production became erratic.

8. The scientists pulling his strings are erratic.

9. Mary is a gifted but erratic player .

10. 19 Productivity slowed to an erratic trickle.

11. Erratic Abreactional movements (an indication of fear)

12. The electricity supply here is quite erratic.

13. Productivity slowed to an erratic trickle.

14. The singer gave an erratic performance.

15. Dorman-Smith's erratic behaviour had exasperated him already.

16. Her behaviour was becoming more and more erratic.

17. We have an erratic rainfall pattern of necessity.

18. He drove in an erratic course down the road.

19. The erratic winds made fighting the fire more difficult.

20. 5 I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother.

21. You've been so erratic lately, as you are now.

Chàng rất thất thường dạo gần đây, giống như chàng bây giờ.

22. Past the age of 40, knife- throwing becomes erratic.

23. Driving erratic, suspects are under the influence of narcotics.

Lái xe một cách điên rồ, nghi phạm đang chịu ảnh hưởng của thuốc gây nghiện.

24. The old man had always been cranky and erratic.

25. Argentina's erratic inflation rate threatens to upset the plans.

26. Above: A Norber erratic on its limestone pedestal.

27. A wildebeest performs an erratic dance to confuse the enemy

Một con linh dương đầu bò khiêu vũ loạn xạ để làm kẻ thù bối rối

28. The company's erratic performance is a cause for some concern.

29. Irrigation measures will be necessary in areas of erratic rainfall.

30. Martin's latest play is as schizoid and erratic as its characters.

31. 49 synonyms for Arbitrary: random, chance, optional, subjective, unreasonable, inconsistent, erratic

32. She found it hard to cope with his erratic behaviour.

33. Another word for Aimless: purposeless, random, stray, pointless, erratic Collins English Thesaurus

34. I can describe the schedule of Manny Pacquiao as hectic and erratic.

Tôi có thể mô tả lịch của Manny Pacquiao rất bùng nổ và thất thường.

35. By the beginning of the 1980s, Tsedenbal became increasingly authoritarian and erratic.

Bắt đầu những năm 1980, Tsedenbal trở nên ngày càng độc đoán và thất thường.

36. The erratic fluctuation of market prices are in consequence of unstable economy.

37. We have a potential bogey with erratic vectoring and an unorthodox entry angle.

Chúng tôi thấy 1 vật thể lạ đang di chuyển

38. Lithium abundances and Rb/Sr ratios are erratic in altered rocks.

39. He was over-tired, absent-minded, erratic, but also somehow indifferent.

40. 11 I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother. And her new husband.

41. Balant kadha online usa After birth, the mother’s hormones are usually erratic

42. He may be erratic, but don't underestimate his loyalty to his brother.

Hắn có thể khó đoán nhưng đừng xem thường tình cảm mà hắn dành cho em mình.

43. There may be periods during which one’s thoughts become erratic or illogical.

Khi mất người thân, sẽ có lúc một người suy nghĩ vẩn vơ và thiếu hợp lý.

44. The erratic fluctuation of market prices is in consequence of unstable economy.

45. (verb) An example of Bemuse is when you behave in an erratic or surprisi

46. Yuichi is described as being "too erratic to be fully credible" or easily believable.

Yuichi được mô tả là "quá thất thường để có thể trông cậy" hay quá dễ tin.

47. Individuals with Cluttering typically manifest rapid or erratic speech rates, reduced intelligibility, and language deviations

48. Synonyms for Counterintuitive include unreasonable, faulty, illogical, implausible, nonsensical, absurd, capricious, contradictory, erratic and preposterous

49. She had learnt to live with his sudden changes of mood and erratic behaviour.

50. Douglas was a 29-year-old journeyman fighter, erratic in his previous fights.