ependymal in Vietnamese

(thuộc) màng não thất, màng ống nội tủy

Sentence patterns related to "ependymal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ependymal" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ependymal", or refer to the context using the word "ependymal" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The differential diagnosis, the hypergamma globulinaemia, the histopathology and aetiology are reviewed and the ependymal lesions described.

2. 30 The inclusion bodies located in ependymal cells were a important evidence for determination of canine distemper in brain tissues.

3. 19 Ependymal cysts are thought to originate from invagination of neuroectoderm, and the cysts are lined with either cuboid or columnar epithelium.

4. While in Amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum) there is only one uniform type of ependymal gliocytes, already in cyclostomes astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and mesoglia cells can be observed.

5. Within their nucleus rodlike bundles of tubules occur, which are supposed to play a role in the process of amitotic cell division. This is also assumed for the ependymal cells which contain even more bundles, often in pairs.

6. The fact is discussed that the secretion of the subcommissural organ is in contact with the fluid-containing spaces of the meninx primitiva, not only in the region of the ramified ends of Reissner's fibre but also in the region of the ependymal processes. The material of Reissner's fibre is demonstrable between the parietal cells of the ampulla.