entente in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. (ngoại giao) hiệp ước thân thiện (giữa một số nước)
2. khối nước thân thiện (giữa một số nước)
3. khối nước trong hiệp ước thân thiệ

Sentence patterns related to "entente"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "entente" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "entente", or refer to the context using the word "entente" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. France and Russia, establish entente group.

2. Our Entente have [ has ] decided to declare war.

3. Britain also negotiated the entente cordiale (cordial understanding) with France and a similar agreement with Russia, forming the Triple Entente.

Anh Quốc cũng điều đình để có hiệp ước thân thiện với Pháp và một thỏa ước tương tự với Nga, tạo thành Khối Tay Ba.

4. Czechoslovakian event "Romania in the Entente" Unfortunate

5. The two leaders signed a treaty of entente and cooperation.

6. The article analyzes the reason why the Entente the war of propaganda.

7. The Anzacs is a squad within the Entente Powers in Verdun.

8. "The Strategic Background to the Anglo-Russian Entente of August 1907."

“Bối cảnh chiến lược của Hiệp ước thân thiện giữa Anh-Nga tháng 8 năm 1907”.

9. The French entente with Great Britain had already been significantly extended.

10. The article analyzes the reason why the Entente Countries won the war of propaganda.

11. Winning entente floral would have meant a big tourism boost for cheltenham - so what went wrong?

12. Four colours are recognised in the Entente Européenne standard: black, blue, cuckoo and white.

Bốn màu được ghi nhận theo tiêu chuẩn Entente Européenne: đen, xanh dương, cúc cu và trắng.

13. The Entente Sportive Bisontine Feminine (ESBF) club, founded in 1970, plays in the French Women's First League

14. There was a heated propaganda war between the Entente Countries and the Ally Countries during WWI.

15. The Entente was negotiated between the French foreign minister, Théophile Delcassé, and the British foreign secretary, Lord Lansdowne.

Entente được thỏa thuận giữa ngoại trưởng Pháp, Théophile Delcassé, và Ngoại trưởng Anh, Huân tước Lansdowne.

16. Cette entente s'Apparente à celles que le SCRS a conclues avec divers ministères fédéraux.

17. But those involved in entente floral feel at least they would have had a fighting chance of clinching the title.

18. Paris will not show much sympathy for anything that Aggrandises Berlin at the expense of the Little Entente

19. Europe was now divided into two military camps—the Triple Alliance on one side and the Triple Entente on the other.

Bây giờ Âu Châu được chia ra làm hai phe quân sự—một phe là Liên Minh Tay Ba và một phe là Khối Tay Ba.

20. Therefore, the Triple Alliance also enjoyed papal favor, whereas the king of the south, with his largely non-Catholic Triple Entente, did not.

Do đó, Liên Minh Tay Ba được giáo hoàng ủng hộ, trong khi đó Khối Tay Ba, tức vua phương nam phần lớn không phải Công Giáo, nên không được ân huệ này.

21. The Dutch tried on several occasions to act as an intermediary to reach a negotiated peace settlement between the Entente and Germany.

Hà Lan đã nhiều lần cố gắng làm trung gian hoà giải giữa Đức và Đồng minh, nhằm đạt tới một thỏa thuận hoà bình bằng thương lượng.

22. Apercu is a grotesque sans-serif typeface released in 2010 by Colophon, an independent type foundry set up by UK-based studio The Entente

23. The Belgians are an Entente sentry squad added to Verdun in the Horrors of War free expansion, along with two US and two German squads

24. Of the 40,000 Entente troops fighting at Le Cateau, 5,212 men were killed or wounded and c. 2,600 troops were captured and thirty-eight British guns were lost.

Trong số 40,000 quân liên minh chiến đấu tại Le Cateau, 5,212 người đã thiệt mạng hoặc bị thương và k. 2,600 người bị bắt và ba mươi tám khẩu súng của Anh bị mất.

25. He wrote in 1925: We began peace negotiations in the hope of arousing the workmen's party of Germany and Austria-Hungary as well as of the Entente countries.

Ông đã viết năm 1925: Chúng tôi bắt đầu các cuộc đàm phán hoà bình với hy vọng khuấy động đảng công nhân của Đức và Áo-Hung cũng như các nước Đồng minh khác.

26. Those needs are related to the very functioning of the State and its ability to foster the well-being of its 4 million inhabitants and to the political entente needed for the country to overcome its difficulties.

27. “In Rumanian official circle« la sympathy with the entente It la atated In Blareh there trill be a concentration of Russian troops in Beaaarabla for the purpose of permitting Romania to transfer troops to the Bulgarian fron-tlre

28. By 1914, Europe's six major powers were split into two Alliances that would form the warring sides in World War I.Britain, France, and Russia formed the Triple Entente, while Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy joined in the Triple Alliance.

29. A Atenua Hardwareinterrupt a great deal of work entente mutuelle release on bail, bail hned paninirang puri, pag-alimura grijanje sensitively Psihološka priprema kattila behave obsequiously, dribble saliva, dribble saliva from the mouth, drool; slobber; flatter, act in an obsequious manner, dripping saliva, one who deals in slaves, one who

30. Ther mihte Attempre no pite: Out of hire chambre forth he wente Al full of wraththe in his entente, And tok the conseil in his herte That sche schal noght the deth asterte, As he which Malencolien Of pacience hath no lien, Wherof the wraththe he mai restreigne

31. Ther mihte Attempre no pite: Out of hire chambre forth he wente Al full of wraththe in his entente, And tok the conseil in his herte That sche schal noght the deth asterte, As he which Malencolien Of pacience hath no lien, Wherof the wraththe he mai restreigne

32. I am not speaking solely as a Frenchman and an anglophile, but as a European militant who, one year away from the centenary of the Entente Cordiale, would like you, Mr President, to associate our institution with the commemoration of an event that led to a century of community, blood and glory and which is thereby a founding event of the European Union.