enforced heterozygote in Vietnamese

Dị hợp tử bắt buộc

Sentence patterns related to "enforced heterozygote"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "enforced heterozygote" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "enforced heterozygote", or refer to the context using the word "enforced heterozygote" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Double heterozygote --- An individual who is heterozygous at each of two different loci. Contrast with compound heterozygote.

2. This law is strictly enforced.

Đạo luật này được thi hành rất chặt chẽ.

3. The rules were strictly enforced.

4. These rules are strictly enforced.

Những luật lệ này đòi hỏi tuân theo nghiêm khắc.

5. Compulsory definition is - mandatory, enforced

6. 19 The rules were strictly enforced.

7. The ban cannot be legally enforced.

8. Parking restrictions will be strictly enforced .

9. The caste system was rigidly enforced.

10. He spent many years in enforced exile.

11. He enforced his argument by adding details.

12. In practice, the regulations are rarely enforced.

13. The speed limit must be rigidly enforced.

14. 14 The ban cannot be legally enforced.

15. Strict censorship is enforced in some countries.

16. 1 The caste system was rigidly enforced.

17. The doctor enforced a strict dietary regimen.

18. The black form may be an example of heterozygote advantage; breeding in captivity is not yet conclusive on this.

Các hình thức màu đen có thể là một ví dụ về lợi thế dị hợp tử; trong điều kiện nuôi nhốt chưa được kết luận về điều này.

19. 4 The doctor enforced a strict dietary regimen.

20. The ban on hunting is not strictly enforced .

21. The speed limit on motorways should be enforced.

22. 6 He enforced his argument by adding details.

23. Gratuitous promises can not be enforced at law.

24. Laws against racial prejudice must be strictly enforced.

25. Laws dealing with Beggary should be strictly enforced