edict in Vietnamese

Danh từ
chỉ dụ, sắc lệnh

Sentence patterns related to "edict"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "edict" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "edict", or refer to the context using the word "edict" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. What edict?

Lệnh chó má gì vậy?

2. They caballed against the emperor's edict.

3. Please emperor issued an edict

Cung thỉnh hoàng hậu Hoàng thượng

4. China solves it by an edict.

Trung Quốc xử lý bằng một sắc lệnh.

5. The edict was subject to many interpretations.

6. The festival was banned by royal edict.

7. Following the edict, the Taliban destroyed several more local schools.

Sau vụ cấm vận, Taliban tiếp tục phá hủy nhiều trường học trong khu vực.

8. The emperor issued an edict forbidding doing trade with foreigners.

9. The Edict of Nantes—A Charter for Tolerance?

10. Where it could, it expropriated resources by simple edict.

11. His policy of persecution led to revoking the Edict of Nantes.

Chính sách bắt bớ đạo Tin Lành của ông ta dẫn tới việc bãi bõ Chiếu Chỉ Nantes.

12. We accepted it without question as an edict from on high.

13. The emperor issued an edict forbidding anyone to leave the city.

14. A similar edict banished the Muslims ten years later.

Mười năm sau, một sắc lệnh tương tự cũng được ban ra để trục xuất người Hồi giáo.

15. Most shops are ignoring the government's edict against Sunday trading.

16. Therefore King Darius signed the writing , that is, the edict.

17. An official or authoritarian declaration a proclamation or an edict.

18. In 1741 Catherine the Great issued an edict of toleration for Buddhism.

19. The revocation of the Edict of Nantes was signed here in 16

20. Conclusion: PrDlonged treatment time adversely edict outcome of radiotherapy for NSCLC.

21. Her pronouncements were delivered with the formality of a Vatican edict.

22. 11 The emperor issued an edict forbidding doing trade with foreigners.

23. So the recommendations are a helpful guideline, not a biblical edict.

24. Is this not the edict from the king, signed with your own seal?

Đây chẳng phải là sắc lệnh của nhà vua, được đóng dấu bằng triện của ngài sao?

25. He issued an edict that none of his writings be destroyed.

26. 14 The emperor issued an edict forbidding anyone to leave the city.

27. APGBI scoring systems can accurately pr edict operative mortality in patients undergoing colorectal cancer resection.

28. These victories over the Protestants emboldened Ferdinand II to issue the Edict of Restitution in 1629.

29. She wept for her people and asked the king to revoke the terrible edict

Cô khóc cho dân mình và cầu xin vua rút lại sắc lệnh kinh hoàng đó

30. The song bryd one Brere was written on a papal bull, an edict of the pope

31. The king had by a royal edict Cumbered the queen-regent with a council and other restrictions, and it was necessary to get the parlement of Paris to overrule the edict and make …

32. Louis XIV also revoked the Edict of Nantes, forcing thousands of Huguenots into exile.

Louis XIV cũng huỷ bỏ sắc lệnh Nantes, buộc hàng nghìn người Huguenot phải lưu vong.

33. Critics are calling the edict “bizarre,” “unethical,” “Anticompetitive” and antithetical to the whole broker model

34. With the issuing of this edict in 1639, the seclusion of Japan became a reality.

Nước Nhật thật sự đóng chặt cửa khi sắc lệnh này được ban hành năm 1639.

35. The edict says that it is desirable that there be impartiality in judicial proceedings and punishments .

36. And edict is retroactive, covering 131 companies that have listed on mainland stock markets since 200

37. Thus the ius honorarium, developed by the praetor's edict, played a vital part in the development of Roman Law.

38. Although many private groups would lose their funding, governments would not be bound by his edict.

39. Ten years later, naturally, another edict appeared, reminding of the necessity to do something with illegal migrants ...

Mười năm sau, một chiếu chỉ mới lại xuất hiện, nhắc nhở phải làm một điều gì đó với những người di cư bất hợp pháp.

40. The local County Manager, Michael O'Malley, issued an edict to planning officials not to attend public rallies.

41. A further edict of Aug. 18 raised the monthly minimum wage from 000,000 intis to 000,000 intis.

42. I was afraid going to school because the Taliban had issued an edict banning all girls from attending schools.

Tôi khá sợ hãi trên đường đi học vì Taleban đã ban sắc lệnh cấm nữ giới đến trường.

43. In January 1562, Catherine issued the tolerant Edict of Saint-Germain in a further attempt to build bridges with the Protestants.

Tháng 1 năm 1562, Catherine ban hành Chỉ dụ Saint-Germain trong nỗ lực hàn gắn với người Kháng Cách.

44. Thus the ius honorarium, developed by the praetor's edict,[http://Sentencedict.com] played a vital part in the development of Roman Law.

45. 9 By the Edict of Milan, promulgated in 3 he forbade persecution of all forms of monotheism in the Empire.

46. Evidence for one such registration is provided by an edict of the Roman governor of Egypt in 104 C.E.

Có bằng chứng về một lần kê khai dân số như thế do quan tổng đốc La Mã cai quản Ai Cập ban sắc lệnh vào năm 104 công nguyên (CN).

47. By the Edict of Milan, promulgated in 3 he forbade persecution of all forms of monotheism in the Empire.

48. What does Bannimus mean? A form of expulsion of any individual from the University of Oxford, by putting the proctorial edict up in some public p

49. Diabolic Edict is one of the most powerful spells for destroying buildings. Eliminate the creeps first so that you only have one target.

50. This kind of assistance Contravenes a fatwa (religious edict) and puts those who do so into the category of mohareb, with the concomitant penalties