economically inactive population in Vietnamese

dân số không hoạt động kinh tế

Sentence patterns related to "economically inactive population"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "economically inactive population" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "economically inactive population", or refer to the context using the word "economically inactive population" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The area has a large, but politically inactive population.

2. 3 The area has a large, but politically inactive population.

3. Unemployment rate (ILO methodology), percentage of economically active population

4. Of the economically active population ( # years of age), almost # per cent are female

5. • Percentage of the population aged 12 and over who report a physical activity index of "inactive."

6. Distribution of the economically active population of the Republic of Azerbaijan by ethnic origin (2009)

7. � Ratio of the number of members to the total economically active population (aged 15 to 64 years).

8. Question 2 (Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou): Retaining the economically active population in mountain, difficult-to-access and island areas.

9. Inactive, in storage.

Thiết lập đập, ao hồ giữ nước.

10. Levels of unemployment are among the highest in the country, with 10.0% of the economically active population unemployed (Jun 2016).

Mức thất nghiệp tại thành phố nằm vào hàng cao nhất toàn quốc, với 10,0% dân số hoạt động kinh tế bị thất nghiệp (tháng 6 năm 2016).

11. The Bootstrappers Association Inactive

12. By 2015, almost two-thirds of the region’s population were either economically secure or middle class – up from 20 percent in 2002.

Vào năm 2015 gần 2/3 dân số trong khu vực thuộc tầng lớp đảm bảo về kinh tế hoặc trung lưu. Đây là mức tăng đáng kể so với so với tỉ lệ trên 20% năm 2002.

13. Joan Birdt #65219 License Status: Inactive

14. 8 Hedgehogs are inactive in winter.

15. She writes elegantly and economically.

16. He certainly was not politically inactive.

17. Economically, capitalism has transformed societies.

18. The scheme is economically viable.

19. The Alt key is now inactive

20. He is never irresolute or inactive.

21. Ordinary housewives cook very economically.

22. Jonathan Wesley Birdt #183908 License Status: Inactive

23. The Alt Graph key is now inactive

24. 17 She dreads becoming old and inactive.

25. Cheaply: as in poorly, economically