eastward in Vietnamese

Danh từ
hướng đông

Tính từ & Phó từ
về phía đông

Sentence patterns related to "eastward"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "eastward" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "eastward", or refer to the context using the word "eastward" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Eastward flows the Changjiang River.

2. The river here tends eastward.

3. Desert land stretches eastward across Arabia into Central Asia.

4. The eastward route might be quicker.

5. A powerful snow storm is moving eastward.

6. Reindeer receded northward and eastward, and bison and horse followed.

7. The boy went out of school and wandered eastward.

8. 9 The eastward route might be quicker.

9. And for the east side eastward fifty cubits.

10. He was crossing the street and moving eastward.

11. Here at last was the opportunity for almost unlimited eastward expansion.

12. Conversely, going eastward across the line, the traveler gains one day.

13. He made his way eastward through town and into adjacent fields.

14. The freeway then veers eastward before turning back northeast toward Julesburg.

Sau đó xa lộ theo hướng đông trước khi quay trở lại hướng đông bắc để đến Julesburg.

15. The Harel Brigade proceeded eastward, descending to the Jordan River.

Lữ đoàn Harel hành tiến về phía đông, đổ xuống sông River.

16. From Mission Peak, the trail meanders eastward into Sunol Park.

17. Machinery, spare parts, whole factories including the roofs, had disappeared eastward.

Tất cả các máy móc, bộ phận thay thế, toàn bộ các nhà máy kể cả phần mái, tất cả đều biến mất về phía đông.

18. Banded Archerfish inhabit the brackish mangrove estuaries of India and eastward to northern Australia

19. San Francisco followed suit and withdrew eastward along the north coast of Guadalcanal.

San Francisco cũng ngừng bắn và rút lui về phía Đông dọc theo bờ biển phía Bắc Guadalcanal.

20. The crowd is heading eastward, believing that they can find gold there.

21. The land of Antum was eastward of the land of Boaz

22. Big white clouds sailed eastward toward the San Bernardino mountain range.

23. He turned away and headed eastward, keeping to the safety of the deserted side streets.

24. Any eastward expansion would be regarded by the government as an act of aggression.

25. Cenozoic tectonic activities are controlled by the eastward propagation of Tibetan Plateau uplift.

26. If the wheel is rotating counterclockwise, its angular - momentum vector is directed eastward.

27. The eastward bulge in the A15 road can still be seen north of Lincoln.

28. The dry air is driven eastward by the winds in the higher atmosphere.

29. The combined Enterprise and Hornet task force retired eastward and made Pearl Harbor on 25 April.

Lực lượng đặc nhiệm kết hợp Enterprise và Hornet rút lui về phía Đông, và đã về đến Trân Châu Cảng vào ngày 25 tháng 4.

30. Abert and his men left Bent's Fort on August 12 and spent the next two months marching eastward

31. Speaking through various medicine-men, the deity suggested sending a Navajo delegation eastward to Taos.

32. In his letter to Payne of 23rd December 1882, Burton Adumbrates a visit eastward

33. Unfortunately, we sailed straight into a terrible storm, which drove us many miles eastward.

34. The day was bright and windy, a string of filmy white clouds scudding eastward.

35. As the Roman Empire expanded eastward there was intense traffic on the ‘queen of the highways.’

36. Your Majesty You are requested to leave Ye City eastward for a winter hunting party

Ngụy Vương... muốn thánh thượng... lập tức khởi giá đến phía Đông Diệp Thành.

37. AAchen would then be surrounded, isolated, and ripe for reduction while the rest of First Army proceeded eastward

38. Aachen would then be surrounded, isolated, and ripe for reduction while the rest of First Army proceeded eastward

39. This moraine covers the current parishes of Saint-Narcisse, Saint-Prosper and continues eastward into the Portneuf region.

40. Terrified of Russia's push eastward, Kuroda returned to Tokyo and advocated quick development and settlement of Japan's northern frontier.

Lo sợ việc người Nga tiến về phía Đông, Kuroda trở về Tokyo và chủ trương nhanh chóng phát triển và ổn định biên giới phái Bắc Nhật Bản.

41. Its Pacific range extends northward to Korea and southern Japan, eastward to New Guinea, and southward to New South Wales.

Phạm vi Thái Bình Dương của nó kéo dài về phía Bắc đến phía Nam Hàn Quốc và Nhật Bản, phía đông giáp New Guinea, và phía nam giáp New South Wales.

42. During the early afternoon, 90th Light had extricated itself from the El Alamein box defences and resumed its move eastward.

Trong thời gian đầu giờ chiều hôm đó, Sư đoàn Khinh binh 90 (Đức) đã tự mình thoát khỏi mắc kẹt tại tuyến phòng thủ "hộp" El Alamein và tiếp tục tiến về phía đông.

43. It extends eastward to the plaine de la Crau, westward to Aigues-Mortes, and northward to Beaucaire.

44. Flowing eastward through the southern portions of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, the ACC links these three otherwise separate oceanic basins.

45. The symptoms are generally worse the further you fly and they are more marked after eastward flights than those to the west.

46. From the town of Cepu in Blora, the river turns eastward and passes through Bojonegoro regency's capital city.

Từ thị trấn Cepu ở Blora, sông chuyển hướng đông và qua thành phố huyện lị của Bojonegoro.

47. American Alumroot (Heuchera americana) of the Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage) Family occurs from northeastern Texas to eastern Nebraska and eastward to the Atlantic

48. Similar dust plumes originate in the Gobi Desert, which combined with pollutants, spread large distances downwind, or eastward, into North America.

Những chùm bụi tương tự bắt nguồn từ sa mạc Gobi, chúng kết hợp với các chất gây ô nhiễm, lan tỏa khoảng cách lớn theo gió, về hướng đông, đến Bắc Mỹ.

49. OLIVE IN ITALY MORAY DALTON I found the Short-Billed Marsh Wren quite abundant, and in such localities as it is found eastward

50. Baden general boundaries are defined as the City Limits to Maline Creek on the North, eastward to Hall St