dominant species in Vietnamese

loài trội, loài ưu thế

Sentence patterns related to "dominant species"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dominant species" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dominant species", or refer to the context using the word "dominant species" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. For centuries, mankind has been the dominant species.

con người đã thống trị muôn loài.

2. Acetes chinensis It was the third dominant species in the Acetes population

3. In tick communities, Ixodes persulcatus are dominant species for all rodent hosts.

4. Japanese stone pine (Pinuspumila Regel) is a dominant species characteristic of alpine zones of high mountains.

5. Without fish, insects become the dominant species and acid-loving insects, such as water boatmen, proliferate.

6. In the cloud grasslands of the higher portions of the Yungas, it is the dominant species of sigmodontine rodent.

Trong đồng cỏ đám mây của các phần cao hơn của Yungas, nó là loài động vật gặm nhấm sigmodontine chi phối.

7. Dominant species comprised Synedra ulna var. oxyrhynchus , Gyrosigma spencerii, Cymbella tumida, Surirella ovata , with the proportion of 42 % , 56 % , 00 % , 88 ...

8. Coffea Arabica is the oldest and most dominant species of coffee, representing about 60% of the entire world’s coffee production and consumption

9. The flora of the lake bottom sediments is composed of planktonic, periphytic, and aerophilous diatom taxa, with Cyclotella stelligera and Tabellaria flocculosa as dominant species.

10. The dominant species in the benthos community are obvious, and the individual quantity of Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Branchiura sowerbyi, and Tendipus plumosus accounts for 87% of the total individual quantity of all Benthonic …

11. Antibiosis - an association between organisms that is harmful to one of them or between organisms and a metabolic product of another association - (ecology) a group of organisms (plants and animals) that live together in a certain geographical region and constitute a community with a few dominant species