diviner in Vietnamese

Danh từ
(cũng water-diviner) người đoán, người tiên đoán, người bói (nhất là người tìm nước ngầm bằng một chiếc gậy dò).

Sentence patterns related to "diviner"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "diviner" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "diviner", or refer to the context using the word "diviner" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. A divine work! Athens, diviner yet.

2. Why not get a diviner to expound my dream?

3. I am a skilled Diviner. Amongst other things.

4. The diviner just now talked of rescue. Sentencedict.com

5. English words for Aruspex include soothsayer, augur and diviner

6. 11 synonyms for hAruspex: augur, auspex, diviner, foreteller, prophesier, prophet, prophetess, seer

7. The diviner would ask a question and the crack provided an answer.

8. 2 Why not get a diviner to expound my dream?

9. Synonyms for Aruspex include ariolater, clairvoyant, diviner, hAruspex, seer and soothsayer

10. I am a skilled Diviner . Amongst other things. And I have seen your coming.

11. No, " replied he with an air of triumph which would have puzzled the most clever diviner".

12. In this viewing geometry, the spatial footprint of each Diviner detector was roughly 300 by 700 meters.

13. Synonyms for Conjuror include illusionist, magician, conjurer, diviner, druid, elder, enchanter, enchantress, exorciser and exorcist

14. Confucius of the late Spring and Autumn Period was the earliest weather diviner recorded in historical documents.

15. HAruspex definition is - a diviner in ancient Rome basing his predictions on inspection of the entrails of sacrificial animals

16. Here the fox assumes the roles of a shaman, a diviner, a sorcerer, and a Celestial being all at once.

17. Nasa's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has used its Diviner instrument to probe the insides of permanently shadowed craters on Earth's satellite.

18. For example, if a person has died mysteriously, the diviner is supposed to be able to tell when, where, and how the person died.

19. An Auspice is literally "one who looks at birds", a diviner who reads omens from the observed flight of birds.

20. In one instance, a diviner patiently made 70 individual oracle-bone cracks in order to determine which ancestor was responsible for a living king's toothache.

21. Diviner will provide back-up data for LRO's other ice-sensitive instruments, identifying areas where positive signs of ice would not make sense because the temperature is too high.

22. To help find out if the moon has water, another LRO instrument, Diviner, will map the temperature of the moon's surface so scientists can search for places where ice could exist.

23. A quick overview of the story: Balac, the King of Moab, was concerned about Israel's victories against the Amorrhites, so he sent messengers with gifts to the diviner Balaam, trying to induce Balaam to curse Israel (Balaam was known for his effective curses and blessings)

24. He that is guilty of sins not to be named, . . . a magician, an enchanter, an astrologer, a diviner, an user of magic verses, . . . one that makes amulets, a charmer, a soothsayer, a fortune-teller, an observer of palmistry . . . , let these be proved for some time . . . and if they leave off those practices, let them be received; but if they will not agree to that, let them be rejected.”

Một kẻ có tội không được nêu tên,... phường thuật sĩ, phù thủy, nhà chiêm tinh, thầy bói, kẻ ếm chú,... kẻ làm bùa ngải, dùng thuật mê hoặc, đoán vận mạng, cầu may, coi chỉ tay..., hãy thử họ một thời gian... nếu họ chừa mấy chuyện đó thì được nhận vào; nhưng nếu họ không chịu chừa thì bị loại ra”.