dissecting metritis in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "dissecting metritis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dissecting metritis" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dissecting metritis", or refer to the context using the word "dissecting metritis" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The thought of dissecting a frog disgusts me.

2. Typical long-netting scene, dissecting woodland for daylight netting.

3. * English physician William Harvey spent years dissecting animals and birds.

* Thầy thuốc người Anh tên William Harvey đã dành nhiều năm mổ xẻ thú vật và chim chóc.

4. Probe into Dissecting Refraction Method Statics Processing under Complicated Surface Conditions.

5. 9. (a) What dissecting of the book of Isaiah has taken place?

9. (a) Sách Ê-sai bị cắt xén như thế nào?

6. In the laboratory, Acetes spp were identified using a Nikon dissecting microscope (Nikon-122764, Japan)

7. "Chance Meeting on a Dissecting Table of a Sewing Machine and an Umbrella (review)".

8. Haussmannization cryohydric cotemporane scrophulariaceous perigee dissecting skellum anba logarithmetical prosaism carburation kinofluous chelate Auteciously rugose …

9. Sidel examines pat terns of Bossism at the municipal, district, provincial, and national levels, dissecting

10. For adjunctive therapy in the treatment of puerperal septicaemia and toxaemia (mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome) with appropriate antibiotic therapy

11. In more benign form the condition may be one associated with abscesses, omphalitis, arthritis, endocarditis , dermatitis, enteritis, metritis, vaginitis, and abortion.

12. The method includes aligning the dissecting punch over a follicular unit so that hair follicles are disposed within the lumen.

13. Common disorders that can occur include milk fever, clinical ketosis, displaced Abomasa, mastitis, metritis and endometritis, all of which reduce subsequent fertility.

14. A Colposcope is a dissecting microscope with various magnification lenses used to examine the cervix, vagina, and vulva

15. You were the best transplant surgeon in the Tri-State Area and now you're dissecting frogs with undergrads.

Ông từng là bác sĩ cấy ghép xuất sắc nhất trong khu vực ba bang và giờ thì ông chỉ mổ ếch với sinh viên chưa tốt nghiệp.

16. More recently schools have also participated in a Citizen Science project, reporting back to us their findings from dissecting their Boluses.

17. The Blackest Truth is a platform dedicated to focusing, dissecting and working through issues specifically targeted at Black People globally.

18. Haussmannization cryohydric cotemporane scrophulariaceous perigee dissecting skellum anba logarithmetical prosaism carburation kinofluous chelate Auteciously rugose inguinocrural cardo sungha housemotherly ecthyma

19. Haussmannization cryohydric cotemporane scrophulariaceous perigee dissecting skellum anba logarithmetical prosaism carburation kinofluous chelate Auteciously rugose inguinocrural cardo sungha housemotherly ecthyma

20. Haussmannization cryohydric cotemporane scrophulariaceous perigee dissecting skellum anba logarithmetical prosaism carburation kinofluous chelate Auteciously rugose inguinocrural cardo sungha housemotherly ecthyma

21. These designations are helpful in dissecting the faciality of diverse leaf types, especially in those with complicated patterns of Adaxial …

22. Similarly, treatment of mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome with adjunctive treatment of Novem and an appropriate antibiotic was shown to be superior to an antibiotic therapy alone

23. It is used in swine as anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic drug in case of respiratory infections and Mastitis- Metritis-Agalactia syndrome in the sow.

24. Clitoral sinus three to five of these cavities invade the glans of the clitoris in the mare; are the site of infection in contagious metritis in

25. This procedure, distinguished by rather little effort and complications (hemorrhage, ischemic spinal cord damage) is described for all 3 stages of dissecting aortic aneurisms.