diseased plant in Vietnamese

cây bị bệnh

Sentence patterns related to "diseased plant"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "diseased plant" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "diseased plant", or refer to the context using the word "diseased plant" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Diseased old mystics.

Bọn dở hơi già khú bệnh hoạn.

2. Clear away dead or diseased plants.

3. His diseased bladder left him incontinent.

4. The cow has a diseased udder.

5. Psychology is diseased person, milquetoast careful with!

6. Diseased arteries are also more susceptible to spasm.

7. The doctor discovered that his heart was diseased.

8. What would you do with a diseased little island?

Cậu sẽ làm gì với cái hòn đảo bé nhỏ đầy rẫy dịch bệnh này chứ?

9. 3 The muscle fibre of this animal is diseased.

10. And a deviant and mentally diseased species as well.

11. To destroy his diseased psychic kin without a qualm?

12. 16 The muscle fiber of this animal is diseased.

13. Pictures of diseased lungs scared me into quitting smoking.

14. Farmers were dumping or burying the diseased animals/carcasses.

15. The diseased bowel is, as a rule, sharply delimited.

16. The diseased plants are quite worthless to the farmer.

17. 3 words related to Bulimic: diseased person, sick person, sufferer

18. The diseased trees are marked by protuberances on their trunks.

19. 10 To destroy his diseased psychic kin without a qualm?

20. Most of the diseased trees were chopped down last year.

21. Words are doctors for the diseased temper. Aeschylus 

22. The diseased trees are marked by protuberances on their bark.

23. Although Jehoash survived, he was left a broken and diseased man.

Mặc dù được sống sót, nhưng Giô-ách chỉ còn là một người yếu đuối và bệnh hoạn.

24. The little boy was diseased with chicken pox in the kindergarten.

25. A Bacilliform virus was isolated from diseased fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas)