disciplinary in Vietnamese

Tính từ
1. (thuộc) kỷ luật; để đưa vào kỷ luật
2. có tính chất rèn luyện trí óc; để rèn luyện trí óc

Sentence patterns related to "disciplinary"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disciplinary" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disciplinary", or refer to the context using the word "disciplinary" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Cross-disciplinary practices refer to teaching, learning, and scholarship activities that cut aCross disciplinary boundaries

2. Examples of Cross disciplinary Activities

3. The director faces disciplinary action .

4. You're in a disciplinary squad

Anh ở trong một đội rất kỷ luật

5. Rules Disciplinary Decisions Admonitions Dismissals BBO Treatise

6. This is truly a trans-disciplinary team.

Đây thực sự là một đội ngũ liên ngành.

7. She's being summoned before the disciplinary board.

Cô ấy bị triệu tập ra trước ủy ban kỷ luật.

8. Squash Absent Cumings faces disciplinary action.

9. The disciplinary board listens to extenuating circumstances.

Hội đồng xét xử sẽ lắng nghe những trường hợp có tình tiết giảm nhẹ.

10. The structure, the disciplinary rules, were immutable.

11. Warnings, disciplinary actions, and firings were commonplace.

12. Overview of administrative machinery in disciplinary matters

13. We may also consider taking disciplinary action.

14. The player was fined by the disciplinary committee.

15. Guideline Explain the reasons behind your disciplinary actions.

16. Any decision about disciplinary matters should rest elsewhere.

17. From the beginning, Bitnet has been multi-disciplinary

18. The approach for Argumenta is emphatically cross-disciplinary

19. All schools have disciplinary procedures they must follow .

20. Before that, you also topped all the disciplinary charts.

Trước đó thì đội ông đứng đầu mọi BXH về kỷ luật.

21. The company will be taking disciplinary action against him.

22. Disciplinary action will be taken against students who cheat.

23. Comments in personal record cards dwell on disciplinary matters.

24. The decision was taken pending a full disciplinary hearing.

25. 8 Comments in personal record cards dwell on disciplinary matters.

26. Office of Disciplinary Counsel The Supreme Court of Ohio

27. The Journal publishes disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary Aquaculture research.

28. Buriram United terminated his contract due to disciplinary reasons.

Buriram United chấm dứt hợp đồng với anh vì lý do kỷ luật.

29. He will then decide whether to prefer disciplinary charges.

30. The investigation led to disciplinary action against two officers.

31. The company has drawn up a new disciplinary code.

32. Overview of the administrative machinery with respect to disciplinary matters

33. According to Karin Beland Lindahl (Luleå University of Technology) Cross disciplinary approach to research is about ‘crossing disciplinary boundaries in one way or another’

34. Biomathematics incorporates cross-disciplinary research as integral to the curriculum

35. 4 Disciplinary action will be taken against students who cheat.

36. The disciplinary panel will notify the person concerned of its findings.

37. She will have to explain her actions before the disciplinary committee.

38. He will now face a disciplinary hearing for having an affair.

39. Avicenna Centre for Brain Health is a Private Multi disciplinary Clinic

40. Askari Group is a multi-disciplinary Security and Risk Management service provider

41. During Wei's term as CCDI chief, some 680,000 disciplinary cases were processed.

Trong nhiệm kỳ ông đảm nhiệm chức Bí thư CCDI, khoảng 680.000 trường hợp cán bộ đã bị xử lý kỷ luật.

42. How should we cooperate with disciplinary action taken by the elders?

Chúng ta nên hợp tác như thế nào với biện pháp sửa trị do các trưởng lão đưa ra?


44. This one says you're okay with moving the disciplinary hearing to tomorrow.

Cái này cho biết anh đồng ý với việc dời phiên kỷ luật lên ngày mai.

45. Nearly 100 law firms are being referred to the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal.

46. The Committee of Inquiry recommended individual disciplinary measures against Commission civil servants.

47. Some superiors were more zealous than others to enforce the disciplinary code.

48. Please describe and attach documentation regarding all disciplinary actions any regulatory agency.

49. IBBI Asseverates its Disciplinary Stance on the Dutiful Profession of an Insolvency Professional

50. A disciplinary hearing will examine charges of serious professional misconduct against three surgeons.