differential precocity in Vietnamese

Tính sớm biệt hóa

Sentence patterns related to "differential precocity"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "differential precocity" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "differential precocity", or refer to the context using the word "differential precocity" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. 16 The differential diagnoses and valude of B - mode sonography for three types ofsexual precocity were discussed.

2. 4 He is remarkable for precocity.

3. 13 The information obtained by means of the urocytogram examination is a useful screening test for differential diagnosis of isosexual precocity and premature development of the breast.

4. 6 Why do we equate genius with precocity?

5. 7 This not precocity, but be responsibility!

6. 3 The boy is remarkable for precocity.

7. 5 If who has, he is certain precocity gun.

8. 15 Does the growth hormone which to apply cure sexual precocity?

9. Julie Burchill is famous for her precocity and rapier wit.

10. 1 Julie Burchill is famous for her precocity and rapier wit.

11. 2 How all this underaged precocity impacts his initial take-home is an imponderable.

12. & Differential geometry

13. 19 When quite a child , the little Vampa displayed a most extraordinary precocity.

14. 12 It is ineffective to take any single way for rice every - year promoting precocity.

15. Differential velocity extrusion

16. Math, differential equations.

Toán học, các biểu thức vi phân.

17. Differential equations containing partial derivatives are called partial differential equations or PDEs.

18. 8 And force of fleshy sheep precocity, disease - resistant is strong, progenitive force tall, turnover is rapid.

19. 17 In addition, it uses the heuristic mutation to optimize tours, generate disarrangement effect and avoid precocity .

20. 7 In addition, it uses the heuristic mutation to optimize tours, generate disarrangement effect and avoid precocity .

21. Trouble with his differential.

Rozzer gặp chút rắc rối với bộ vi sai.

22. Differential digital/analog converter

23. Coming from differential geometry, Pfaff's differential forms were always of special concern to him.

24. He was primarily engaged in research on partial differential equations, differential geometry, solitons, and mathematical physics.

25. 10 Though the war had interrupted her schooling, her intellectual precocity had quickly been recognized and appreciated by Stewart.