devonian in Vietnamese

Tính từ
(địa lý, địa chất) (thuộc) kỷ đevon

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(địa lý, địa chất) kỷ đevo

Sentence patterns related to "devonian"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "devonian" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "devonian", or refer to the context using the word "devonian" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Their geologic age is Lower Devonian, early Emsian, Ulmen Substage.

2. Mineral, palaeontology, middle devonian, permian to early jurassic, and cretaceous.

3. Your paper on punctuated equilibrium in the Devonian Era was topnotch.

Và bài báo nói về trạng thái cân bằng ở Devonian Era quả thật rất xuất sắc.

4. The first fossil Ctenophore from the lower devonian of West Germany

5. The Devonian period is correctly called the age of fishes.

6. Bryozoan fossils can be found in Kentucky's Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Mississippian, and Pennsylvanian rocks

7. Fossil Brachiopod with Glittery Pyrite Devonian Sylvania Ohio OH COA 3681 Free Shipping PioneerFossils

8. The Upper Devonian rocks are Clayey marine carbonates interbedded with limestone, sandstone, and conglomerate.

9. În cambrian, silurian și devonian au existat numeroși reprezentanți ai Agnatelor cunoscuți cu

10. The stratigraphy of the Devonian is scarcely calibrated in relation to the absolute time scale.

11. According to the conodont and fusulinid fossils, their ages are determined to be Devonian -Permian.

12. Agnatha is the most ancient group of vertebrates, widely distributed in the Silurian and Devonian periods

13. Panderichthys, which was recovered from Frasnian (early Late Devonian) deposits in Latvia, is represented by two species.

Panderichthys, được thu hồi từ tiền gửi Frasne (sớm muộn Devonian) ở Latvia, được đại diện bởi hai loài.

14. Arborescent Lycopsids Arborescent (tree-like) lycopsids also probably diverged from Protolepidendrales during the late Middle Devonian (Givetian)

15. Between Alamo and the town of Rachel is the site of the Devonian Alamo Impact Breccia.

Từ Alamo và thị trấn của Rachel là nơi có Khu dăm kết tác động kỷ Devon Alamo.

16. The Carboniferous was a geologic period from 358.9 mya (the Devonian period) to 298 mya (the Permian period)

17. Anaspida is a morphologically unique group among jawless vertebrates known only from the Silurian and Lower Devonian

18. The Carboniferous Period follows the Devonian Period and precedes the Permian Period and includes the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Periods

19. The Carboniferous Period follows the Devonian Period and precedes the Permian Period and includes the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Periods

20. The Carboniferous is separated from the earlier Devonian by the appearance of the conodont Siphonodella sulcata or Siphondella duplicata.

21. The Carboniferous Period follows the Devonian Period and precedes the Permian Period and includes the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Periods

22. Anaspid - extinct small freshwater jawless fish usually having a heterocercal tail and an armored head; of the Silurian and Devonian

23. An alternative apparent polar wander path is suggested after adopting the reversed polarity option for pre-Devonian poles.

24. This formation is an outcropping of Devonian limestone created from a larger reef when most of Oregon was covered by water.

Hình thể này là một lớp đá vôi Kỷ Devon được tạo nên từ một bờ vách san hô lớn khi phần lớn Oregon bị bao phủ bởi nước.

25. Schellkopf, Brenk, Brohltal, Ahrweiler District, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany : Active phonolite quarry (selbergite, selbergite tuffs, Devonian schists) on Schellkopf mountain

26. Concretions as sources of exceptional preservation, and decay as a source of Concretions: examples from the middle Devonian of New York.

27. The lower Devonian Bois Blanc formation contains a variety of Cherts (Figure 4)— Colborne and Haldimand in the Appalachian Basin, and …

28. You can visit the Prince’s island Park, Fort Calgary, Glenbow Museum, Telus Spark, Calgary Zoo, Devonian Gardens or Bowness Park

29. Most oil shale deposits were formed during Middle Cambrian, Early and Middle Ordovician, Late Devonian, Late Jurassic and Paleogene times.

Hầu hết các tầng đá phiến dầu hình thànhtrong giai đoạn kỷ Cambri giữa, kỷ Ordovic sớm và giữa, kỷ Devon muộn, kỷ Jura muộn và kỷ Paleogen.

30. Boring thallophytes, probably fungi, possibly algae, were the cause of at least some skeletal micritization in Devonian reef complexes in western Canada.

31. 8 With meso-high porosity and permeability, the Donghe sandstone member of Upper Devonian Donghetang Formation is the most important pay bed.

32. Some fish had developed primitive lungs to help them breathe air when the stagnant pools of the Devonian swamps were low in oxygen.

Một vài loài cá đã phát triển phổi nguyên thủy giúp chúng hít thởi không khí trong các hồ tù đọng của đầm lầy kỷ Devon có ôxy thấp.

33. Anaspid - extinct small freshwater jawless fish usually having a heterocercal tail and an armored head; of the Silurian and Devonian agnathan,

34. The Batholith formed during a Late Silurian to Early Devonian melting and rifting event that split the Ordovician to Early Silurian Macquarie Arc.

35. A now dry barrier reef, located in present-day Kimberley Basin of northwest Australia, once extended a thousand kilometres, fringing a Devonian continent.

Một dải san hô đá ngầm lớn, hiện nay sót lại ở khu vực thung lũng Kimberley cao và khô thuộc miền tây bắc Australia, đã từng kéo dài hàng nghìn kilômét, diềm quanh lục địa kỷ Devon.

36. Thermal, alternating field (AF), and two-stage (AF followed by thermal) experiments performed on one Silurian (Mascarene Group) and two Devonian (St.

37. The prospective impact crater has been dated to be greater than 70 million years old and possibly from the late Devonian Period.

38. This debris flow material was tectonically deformed prior to the Medial Devonian 'Acadian' orogeny, probably as a result of earlier 'Taconic' thrusting.

39. 7 In the melange zone there occur Devonian island arc-type intermediate and intermediate-acid volcanic rocks, which conformably overlie siliceous pelite.

40. 28 In the melange zone there occur Devonian island arc-type intermediate and intermediate-acid volcanic rocks, which conformably overlie siliceous pelite.

41. Fossils suggest that Arachnids were among the first animals to live on land, perhaps in the early Devonian Period, nearly 400 million years ago.

42. The rugose coral ‘Amplexus’ occurs frequently in the sedimentary cover of the Devonian submarine volcanic intrusion in the eastern Anti-Atlas, southern Morocco.This study elucidates the palaeoecology of ‘Amplexus’, which forms very rich and mostly monospecific, spot assemblages within the Lower and Middle Devonian carbonates.Geological and isotopic evidences show that these

43. Cystoid, any member of an extinct class (Cystoidea) of primitive echinoderms (animals with a hard, calcareous external skeleton, related to the modern sea lily and starfish) that first appeared during the Middle Ordovician Epoch and persisted into the Late Devonian Epoch (the Ordovician Period began about 488 million years ago, and the Devonian Period ended 359 million years ago).

44. The earliest amphibians evolved in the Devonian period from sarcopterygian fish with lungs and bony-limbed fins, features that were helpful in adapting to dry land.

Các động vật lưỡng cư đầu tiên phát triển trong giai đoạn từ kỷ Devon từ cá vây tay với phổi và vây tay, đây là đặc điểm hữu ích trong việc thích nghi với đất khô.

45. 1 The metallogenic ages are the lower and upper Proterozoic Subera, late and earlier Palaeozoic Era, Mesozoic Era, with Devonian Period as an important metallogenic era.

46. Conodont — the problematical small tooth like fossil of the Cambrian, Silurian and Devonian periods which could well be a tooth of Cyclostomata … Dictionary of ichthyology

47. Allothigenic clay minerals, particularly of the platy type (kaolinite, hy- dromica, chlorite, montmorillonite, vermiculite), are characterized by isometrical Fig.5. Allothigenic hydromica, Lower Devonian, Volga-Ural region

48. A new psammosteid (Agnatha, Heterostraci) from the Amata Regional Stage of the Main Devonian Field and morpho-histological types of discrete micromeric elements in the family Psammosteidae.

49. The remaining species then died out during the Devonian/Carboniferous extinction event; not a single placoderm species has been confirmed to have survived into the Carboniferous.

Các loài còn lại sau đó cũng bị diệt vong trong sự kiện tuyệt chủng Devon/Than đá; không còn loài nào sống sót khi kỷ Than đá bắt đầu.

50. It was found that there exit paleo- reservoir in Devonian stratum, Tianjingshan structure, in course of investigation of oil - sand resource in the northwest part of Sichuan Basin.