destroying enzyme in Vietnamese

enzym phân huỷ

Sentence patterns related to "destroying enzyme"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "destroying enzyme" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "destroying enzyme", or refer to the context using the word "destroying enzyme" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Destroying my whole inheritance?

Huỷ hoại cả di sản của cháu.

2. I'm completely destroying it.

Tôi sãìp laÌm hý noì rôÌi.

3. Coenzymes bind to the enzyme and assist in enzyme activity

4. Bactericidal definition is - destroying bacteria

5. Acid rain is destroying our forests.

6. How this war is destroying lives.

" Cuộc chiến này hủy diệt biết bao sinh mạng. "

7. So destroying companies agrees with you?

Vậy là làm sụp đổ công ty là sự tán thành của cô?

8. Zoom is obsessed with destroying me.

Zoom bị ám ảnh bởi việc giết tôi

9. Cytotoxic venom works on a molecular level by destroying the cell membrane thus destroying the tissue cell by cell

10. Are you intent upon destroying my reputation?

11. Who will be instrumental in destroying Christendom?

Ai sẽ làm công cụ để hủy diệt các tôn giáo tự xưng theo đấng Christ?

12. Amino acid synthesis, polypeptide chains...... transfer RNA, genetic code, enzyme expression...... enzyme phosphorylation.

13. Bifunctional enzyme (PubMed:12574510)

14. Botswana Bushmen: Modern life is destroying us

15. The enemy vainly attempted destroying the bridge.

16. Your private battle with Achilles is destroying us.

Hiềm khích riêng giữa ngài và AchiIIes đang giết chính chúng ta.

17. They seemed bent on destroying his career.

18. I'll start by slowly destroying your soul.

Em sẽ bắt đầu bằng việc từ từ gặm nhấm linh hồn thầy.

19. Your best friend's out there destroying himself.

Người bạn nhân của cậu đang ở ngoài kia tự hủy hoại mình.

20. Development is destroying the animal's native habitat.

21. This one bent on destroying everyone, especially me?

Khi mà chúng định sẽ tiêu diệt tất cả mọi người, đặc biệt là tôi nữa.

22. He says illegal immigrants are destroying German society.

Ông ta nói rằng những người nhập cư bất hợp pháp đang hủy hoại đất nước Đức!

23. Pyruvate Carboxylase is a biotin-requiring enzyme that is referred to as an ABC enzyme

24. The best-studied Cytochrome p450 enzyme is a bacterial enzyme that adds oxygen to camphor

25. Acetylcholine is synthesized from choline and acetyl Co-enzyme A by the enzyme, choline acetyltransferase