density gradient in Vietnamese

gradien mật độ

Sentence patterns related to "density gradient"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "density gradient" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "density gradient", or refer to the context using the word "density gradient" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The role of the density gradient depends on its sign.

2. After sucrose density-gradient ultracentrifugation the macromolecular amylase was recovered with 7-S globulins.

3. 26 Negative Richardson number corresponds to a destabilizing density gradient; both shear and buoyancy give rise to turbulence generation.

4. 25 Negative Richardson number corresponds to a destabilizing density gradient; both shear and buoyancy give rise to turbulence generation.

5. Positive Richardson number corresponds to a stabilizing density gradient; turbulent motion can not be sustained when Ri becomes large.

6. The sedimentation constant of early summer meningo-encephalitis virus has been determined by analytical ultracentrifugation in a known density gradient.

7. Density gradient ultracentrifugation, performed at pH 7·4 and 3·0, suggested that pepsin Agglutinator in immune complexes was present in …

8. By means of density-gradient-centrifugation with benzole-bromoform, the limiting density gradients of 63 substances used as accessories in meat processing were investigated.

9. Myeloma IgG and its light and heavy polypeptide chains were subjected to isoelectric focusing in a vertical column containing a combined pH and density gradient.

10. Cotton trash density using a density gradient column Selection was based on apparent yield potential, the frego Bract trait, and high volume instrument (HVI) fiber properties

11. The coprecipitate of A protein and RNA which results from acetic acid treatment of bacteriophage R17 has been shown to form two bands after equilibrium density gradient centrifugation in Cs2SO4.