defecation in Vietnamese

(Sự) khử tạp
(Sự) đại tiệ

Sentence patterns related to "defecation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "defecation" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "defecation", or refer to the context using the word "defecation" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. 19 Laxative: Substance that promotes defecation.

2. Healthy and regular defecation, that is the key.

Đi " nặng " thường xuyên và mạnh khỏe là bí quyết đấy.

3. 1 Defecation syncope has a similar underlying mechanism.

4. 9 It would also facilitate reflex defecation and predispose to faecal incontinence.

5. End colostomy is generally performed in order to allow defecation after rectum amputation.

6. Cathartics: a substance used to induce or speed up the process of defecation.

7. Trans-anal inflow catheter and method for intermittently triggering a reflex-coordinated defecation

8. About 892 million people, or 12 percent of the global population, practiced open defecation in 2016.

Khoảng 892 triệu người, hay 12 phần trăm dân số toàn cầu, thực hành đại tiện ngoài trời trong năm 2016.

9. Teach them to wash their own hands and not to play near the latrine, toilet, or defecation areas.

Hãy dạy chúng rửa tay và không chơi gần hố xí, cầu tiêu hoặc nơi có phân.

10. Tomato fibre can improve apparently intestinal peristalsis, and increase dejection amounts, weights, and elevate defecation frequents.

11. 19 Conclusion: Colon Double contrast Radiography and Synchronous Defecation plays a special role in diagnosis of constipation.

12. Condylomata can occasionally form large exophytic masses that can interfere with defecation, intercourse, or vaginal delivery

13. Anorectal balloon catheters are now widely used for defecation training, sensor training and fecal incontinence coordination or …

14. Addressing the gathering, Prime Minister congratulated the people of Maharashtra for making the state Open Defecation Free.

15. Rectal intussusception and ventral rectocele are frequent morphological findings in patients suffering from obstructed defecation syndrome (ODS).

16. And so, to avoid open defecation, municipalities and cities build infrastructure, for example, like pit latrines, in peri-urban and rural areas.

Vậy, để tránh "đại tiện lộ thiên", Các thị trấn và thành phố đang xây dựng cơ sở hạ tầng, như hố xí ở ngoại thành và nông thôn.

17. I request all of you to actively participate in the movement and ensure an open defecation free society and clean environment.

18. 13 In herbivores particularly, but also in most animals and babies, defecation takes place more than once per day.

19. Euphemism (act: defecation) (soutenu) to have a Bowel movement : aller à la selle loc v locution verbale: groupe de mots fonctionnant comme un verbe

20. In medicine, a Cathartic is a substance that accelerates defecation.This is similar to a laxative, which is a substance that eases defecation, usually by softening feces

21. Continence is defined as the ability to control defecation or flatus voluntarily, to discriminate between solid, liquid and gas, and to defer evacuation until it is socially acceptable

22. Fecal Continence, the ability to control defecation, see Fecal inContinence; Urinary Continence, the ability to control urination, see Urinary inContinence, the involuntary excretion of urine; Sexual Continence, a synonym of Coitus reservatus; Sexual abstinence

23. Absorption: of nutrients from the digestive system to the circulatory and lymphatic capillaries through osmosis, active transport, and diffusion, and; Egestion (Excretion): Removal of undigested materials from the digestive tract through defecation

24. As nouns the difference between inContinence and Continence is that inContinence is (dated) lack of self-restraint, an inability to control oneself; unchastity while Continence is the voluntary control of urination and defecation.

25. Domperidone, a dopamine receptor blocker and a parasympathomimetic, has been shown to reduce bloating and abdominal pain as a result of an accelerated colon transit time and reduced fecal load, that is, a relief from 'hidden constipation'; defecation was similarly improved.

26. However, Islam has very specific and detailed rules, easily referenced in the Quran and the hadith, for maintaining cleanliness including wudu, ablution before prayer; ghusl, bath after sexual intercourse and before prayer; trimming body hair from underarms and intimate areas; and proper washing, with water, after defecation.

27. These findings indicate that the high and low values of the resting pressure of the anal canal are responsible for constipation and incontinence, respectively, and that the presence of rectoanal relaxation reflex may represent one aspect of a normal defecation function.

28. "the Crapper"), a figurine depicted in the act of defecation appearing in nativity scenes in Catalonia; Frank Crapper (1911–1991), Australian footballer; Fred Crapper (1909–1976), Australian footballer; Harry Crapper (1905–1976), Australian footballer; Thomas Crapper (1836–1910), British plumber

29. A Bidet shower (also known as "Bidet spray", "Bidet sprayer", or "health faucet") is a hand-held triggered nozzle, similar to that on a kitchen sink sprayer, that delivers a spray of water to assist in anal cleansing and cleaning the genitals after defecation and urination.

30. The complications of coughing can be classified as either acute or chronic.Acute complications include cough syncope (fainting spells due to decreased blood flow to the brain when Coughs are prolonged and forceful), insomnia, cough-induced vomiting, subconjunctival hemorrhage or "red eye", coughing defecation and in women with a prolapsed uterus, cough urination.

31. A Bidet shower (also known as "Bidet spray", "Bidet sprayer", or "health faucet") is a hand-held triggered nozzle, similar to that on a kitchen sink sprayer, that delivers a spray of water to assist in anal cleansing and cleaning the genitals after defecation and urination

32. Instantly the horrible musical Borborygmi stopped, and it was a very real relief to them.: Instantanément l'horrible borborygme musical s'éteignit, et ils en éprouvèrent tous un très réel soulagement.: Diarrhoe, frequent defecation, Borborygmi, flatulence and occasional vomiting were noticed since the age of 4 months with the dog having an unchanged physical condition.