deep-seated in Vietnamese

Tính từ
1. sâu kín, thầm kín, ngấm ngầm
2. (nghĩa bóng) chắc chắn, vững chắc

Sentence patterns related to "deep-seated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deep-seated" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deep-seated", or refer to the context using the word "deep-seated" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Bitterness: a deep-seated ill will

2. Bitter: having or showing deep-seated resentment.

3. They have violated this deep-seated social contract.

Họ đã làm trái bản giao kèo xã hội cố hữu này.

4. Why did Peter move forward despite deep-seated prejudices?

Vậy tại sao Phi-e-rơ vẫn đi bất chấp những thành kiến đã ăn sâu?

5. There is a deep - seated conservatism running through our society.

6. We found across the board a deep seated desire for closer interaction.

7. So, can we unscramble a medical domain from which what deep - seated information?

8. Comfortably curvy, the Sweep Armchair is a deep-seated take on the classic reading chair

9. Himself a victim of racial discrimination, he developed a deep-seated hatred for white people.

Vì là nạn nhân của sự kỳ thị chủng tộc, ông nảy sinh lòng căm ghét sâu xa đối với người da trắng.

10. Their stand, however, went against the deep-seated traditions and fears of that small rural community.

11. The article analysed the deep - seated reason that black economy grows from the angle of culture.

12. “Cultural and social values” are usually based on deep-seated tradition—a hard nut to crack.

13. We found, across the board, a deep-seated desire for close cooperation between India and Norway.

14. These seemingly mild inclinations are often deep-seated and promote attitudes that lead to being partial.

Những khuynh hướng có vẻ không đáng kể này thường đã ăn sâu và đưa đến những thái độ khiến người ta thiên vị.

15. 3) Government will launch a special initiative to probe deep-seated/concealed mineral deposits in the country.

16. Deep-seated hatreds that have been repressed for centuries are being revived to fuel more wars and conflicts.

Các sự thù ghét đã ăn sâu bị kiềm chế qua hàng bao thế kỷ nay được khơi dậy để khích động các cuộc chiến tranh và xung đột.

17. Stunning beaches, beautiful tax laws, and a deep-seated hatred of outside forces telling them what to do.

Bãi biển tuyệt đẹp, luật thuế ngon lành, và một mối thù sâu nặng với những lực lượng bên ngoài bảo họ phải làm những gì.

18. 30 There will also be deep-seated reasons why certain types of behaviour elicit strong responses in others.

19. 12 synonyms for Besetting: chronic, persistent, long-standing, prevalent, habitual, ingrained, deep-seated, incurable, deep-rooted, inveterate, incorrigible

20. Anger in the Blamer is a secondary emotion to mask their deep-seated vulnerability and fear which the Blamer

21. Now they understood that these deep-seated desires were actually a reflection of the qualities of the Creator, Jehovah God.

22. Harvesting of Kenya Arrowroots begins by excising the deep-seated tubers from their waterbeds using a hoe or blunt machete

23. Constituted definition: brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established synonyms: deep-seated, grooved, established, entrenched, well-grooved

24. Objective To explore a micro-wound suture technica of deep-seated suspensory for the treatment of facial paralysis and aging.

25. Abstract:Objective To compare the restorative effects of crown lengthening surgery and gingivectomy on dowel crown of deep-seated subgingival teeth fracture.

26. She expressed some deep-seated feelings for me, ones that I didn't share, so when I declined, she took it hard.

Cô ấy đã bộc lộ cảm giác với tôi, những điều mà không thể chia sẻ, nên khi tôi từ chối, cô ấy đã rất đau buồn.

27. US, China Conclude ‘tough’ talks in Alaska, acknowledge deep-seated differences The Chinese delegation led by Mr Yang Jiechi (centre) and Mr …

28. Bedazzle draws upon the setbacks, deep-seated in our subconscious, and directs us towards treading ahead with that charming and glorious confidence

29. While all these words mean "deep-seated dislike or ill will," Animosity suggests intense ill will and vindictiveness that threaten to kindle hostility

30. But few nations have the money or the inclination to police faraway countries where deep-seated hatred and suspicion make any agreement between warring factions fragile at best.

Nhưng chỉ một ít quốc gia có tiền hoặc mong muốn giám sát những nước xa xôi nơi mà sự thù ghét và nghi ngờ đã ăn sâu khiến bất cứ hiệp định nào giữa các phe đấu tranh cũng rất mỏng manh.

31. ‘Some researchers have also pointed out the importance of the Attitudinal characteristics of managers.’ ‘The most rewarding relationships with customers result from continued investment to create deep-seated Attitudinal loyalty.’

32. Authoritarianism is a deep-seated, relatively enduring psychological predisposition to prefer—indeed, to demand—obedience and conformity, or what I call "oneness and sameness," over freedom and diversity.

33. 14 An individual needs to make sure that no rocklike obstacles, such as deep-seated bitterness, underlying self-interest, or similar hard but hidden feelings, are lodged in his heart.

14 Mỗi cá nhân cần tự kiểm điểm để chắc rằng lòng không mắc phải những chướng ngại cứng như đá, chẳng hạn như mang nặng tâm trạng cay cú, tính ích kỷ tiềm ẩn, hay những uất ẩn khác tương tự.

34. Whereas failure in scientific education traces to deep-seated irrationality among Americans, religious and otherwise, the failure Herbert Adumbrates is due to our inability to improve the situation of African-Americans.

35. When refined, Coltan becomes a heat resistant powder, metallic tantalum, which has unique properties for storing electrical charge. Coltan occurs in granitic pegmatites, pockets where the deep seated molten rock crystallized last.

36. An Antipathy is a deep-seated dislike of something or someone. Usually it's a condition that is long-term, innate, and pretty unlikely to change — like your Antipathy for the Red Sox

37. An Ailurophobic is differentiated from someone who is simply not a cat person by a deep-seated, persistent, and irrational response to cats which causes the patient to become extremely anxious around felines

38. About “Afternoons” A poem, written in 1959, filled with a deep-seated sadness about the loss of youth making way for the tedious routine of adult life – seen from the outsider’s perspective of

39. Some common synonyms of Animus are animosity, antagonism, antipathy, enmity, hostility, and rancor. While all these words mean "deep-seated dislike or ill will," Animus adds to animosity the implication of strong prejudice

40. Noun, plural an·i·mos·i·ties. a feeling of strong dislike, ill will, or enmity that tends to display itself in action: a deep-seated Animosity between two sisters; Animosity against one's neighbor.

41. While all these words mean "deep-seated dislike or ill will," Antipathy and antagonism imply a natural or logical basis for one's hatred or dislike, Antipathy suggesting repugnance, a desire to avoid or reject, and antagonism suggesting a clash of temperaments leading readily to hostility

42. Though not a UK National Holiday, Bonfire Night is a deep-seated tradition and is marked by public and private fireworks displays and huge public Bonfires all over the UK.In fact, many people say that November 5th, Bonfire Night, is the smokiest night of the year.

43. Constituted: 1 adj brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established “distrust the Constituted authority” Synonyms: established deep-rooted , deep-seated , implanted , ingrained , planted (used especially of ideas or principles) deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held entrenched established firmly and securely grooved , well-grooved

44. SYNONYMY NOTE: Cynical implies a contemptuous disbelief in human goodness and sincerity [Cynical about recovering a lost watch]; misanthropic suggests a deep-seated hatred or distrust of people in general [a misanthropic hermit]; pessimistic implies an attitude, often habitual, of expecting the worst to happen [pessimistic about one's chances to win]

45. Similarly, many citizens who personally are not eligible for military service, including citizens of States which have abolished this, feel that as long as they contribute through their tax payments to the funding of military expenditure they are in no way absolved from complicity in activities which are contrary to their most deep-seated religious or moral principles