deci in Vietnamese

prefìx. chỉ một phần mười.

Sentence patterns related to "deci"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deci" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deci", or refer to the context using the word "deci" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Ploile Acide (sau precipitațiile Acide) sunt precipitațiile care au un pH mai mic decât 5,6, având deci un caracter acid pronunțat.

2. To examine this idea, we identified 184 independent data sets from studies that utilized self-determination theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 2000) in health care and health promotion Contexts

3. Literal, Androcentrism însemană “centrat pe bărbat”, termenul desemnând deci practica de a considera masculinul și experiențele masculine ca normă pentru comportamentul și realizările umane

4. Fețele unui Cub au formă de pătrat și sunt congruente, iar aria oricărei fețe este egală cu pătratul laturii; figura are șase fețe congruente, deci aria totală este 6 ori pătratul laturii

5. Therefore, an early deci- AFP is a single-strand glycoprotein with a molecular sion for liver transplantation is crucial in saving patients weight of 68 kDa, and it belongs to the Albumoid …

6. OF THE DECI,Aratory JUDGMENT IN ADMINISTRATIVE LAW ALTHOUGH the declAratory judgment has, in recent years, been employed more readily in administrative law, the remedy has not yet attained the pre-eminence in this field that its considerable advantages would seem to merit