debridement in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "debridement"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "debridement" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "debridement", or refer to the context using the word "debridement" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Biosurgery (maggot therapy) is a viable option for wound debridement when surgical debridement is not possible because of distancing requirements.

2. Furthermore , debridement was performed at an early stage.

3. Careful inspection, irrigation, and debridement should be performed.

4. Sequential sharp debridement of wounds will disrupt the Biofilm growth and promote faster healing

5. Delayed rescue, delayed fasciotomy, and radical debridement may worsen the physical prognosis.

6. Due to severe sepsis, the first patient died on day 73 after emergent fasciotomy and debridement.

7. Morover, to refer to the concept of marrow cavity debridement based on this.

8. Objective Debridement hepatectomy for severe hepatic injury was performed to stop bleeding.

9. Methods Disease variety in debridement was analysed by the way of observation record.

10. Most patients (n=34) were stabilized via dorsal bridging instrumentation without ventral debridement of the focus.

11. Abstract: To explore reasons failed focal debridement in treating spinal tuberculosisand Methods: To cope with them.

12. To assess the effectiveness of treatment of synovectomy and joint debridement underarthroscope to rheumatoid arthritis.

13. Objective To study the therapeutic effect of debridement and closed irrigation for intervertebral space infection.

14. Objective : To evaluate the effects of arthroscopic debridement in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis.

15. In the acute phase a posterior instrumentation, anterior debridement and reconstruction of the defect is indicated.

16. A universal Curette is a double-ended instrument used for periodontal scaling, calculus debridement and root planing

17. The 12 Miller Surgical Curette is designed for curettage, cyst removal and tooth socket debridement with 4.2mm working… 2 Molt Surgical Curette CM2 The 2 Molt surgical Curette is designed for curettage, cyst removal and tooth socket debridement with 3.6mm working…

18. Conclusion That the infected wound in maxillofacial areas dealed with special debridement primary healing ways.

19. Results Arthroscopic debridement and intra - articular sodium hyaluronate injection could eliminate or alleviate the symptom of OA.

20. One hundred fifty-two patients with dendritic or amoeboid herpetic ulceration were treated with debridement, vidarabine, or trifluorothymidine.

21. The influences of time to rescue, fasciotomy, and radical debridement on lower leg muscle strength were evaluated by stepwise regression analysis.

22. Biosurgery is an effective and rapid treatment for the debridement of chronic wounds and the improvement of wound healing

23. Conclusion:Completely debridement of open fracture, anatomical reduction of fracture-dislocation, rational external fixation and internal fixation,( timely functional training was very important.

24. Resolve infection and achieve primary stability of instrumentation and permanent fusion of the affected spinal segment by means of debridement of the focus of infection. Defect-filling using autologous/allograft bone or a spacer, as well as immobilization by means of dorsal instrumentation.

25. The extent of medical evacuation among the 178 Casualtiesis as follows: 8 (4%) required only Role I care (debridement of wounds, removal of fragments, or death despite resuscitation attempts); 65 (36%) were evacuated to a Role 2+ facility and were later discharged; and 84 (47%) were evacuated to Role 3 civilian hospitals

26. The extent of medical evacuation among the 178 Casualtiesis as follows: 8 (4%) required only Role I care (debridement of wounds, removal of fragments, or death despite resuscitation attempts); 65 (36%) were evacuated to a Role 2+ facility and were later discharged; and 84 (47%) were evacuated to Role 3 civilian hospitals