damage control in Vietnamese

Danh từ
(kỹ thuật) công việc sửa chữa từng bộ phận (máy)

Sentence patterns related to "damage control"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "damage control" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "damage control", or refer to the context using the word "damage control" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Aft Damage Control

2. Request damage control.

Yêu cầu một toán kiểm tra xuống đây.

3. Damage-control and alert plans

4. Have damage control report all damages.

Kêu người báo cáo mọi tổn thất.

5. The Damage Control deep storage vault.

6. Korten, knows a lot about damage control.

7. Calipari has spotted problems and implemented damage control.

8. It is more like ordinary political damage control.

9. Lobruto has to do some kind of damage control.

Lobruto đã phải bồi thường 1 khoản thiệt hại

10. D Draw up a damage-control and alert plan

11. understand structural parts of craft and damage control and analysis;

12. When must a damage-control and alert plan be drawn up?

13. Take your men and proceed without delay to Aft Damage Control

14. Damage control is one of the more challenging aspects of company.

15. The plaintiffs devoted much of their rebuttal case Wednesday to damage control.

16. What is not normally included in a damage-control and alert plan?

17. Damage control technique of harmful engineering geological condition is put forward too.

18. Only supreme effort and skillful damage control by her men saved the ship.

Chỉ nhờ những nỗ lực to lớn cùng kỹ năng kiểm soát hư hỏng của thủy thủ đoàn dũng cảm đã cứu được con tàu.

19. Actually, I'd like to skip the damage control, and talk about Samila Mahdavi.

20. He' s on Deck #, aft frame #, between the Cylons and Aft Damage Control

21. Investors remained sceptical of Tory damage control and subsequent polls showing a closer race.

22. Mechanical engineers form the nucleus of damage control teams fighting fires, either actual or simulated.

23. We'd better up our alert status and put our damage-control teams on stand-by.

24. Clinton also proved to be a master of damage control on the so-called character issues.

25. The damage control system of the naval vessel is composed of drainage system and firefighting system.

26. As a result, comprehensive damage control measures were not initiated until 49 minutes after the attack.

Hậu quả là, công việc kiểm soát hư hỏng toàn diện không được tiến hành cho đến 49 phút sau khi bị tấn công.

27. Ship counter - flooding calculation and decision - making are the base of taking timely action for damage control.

28. There are many risks waiting to spring on a trader - you alone are responsible for damage control.

29. If application whitelisting is a proactive threat prevention technique, then application Blacklisting is more like damage control

30. Objective To explore the current management strategy and effect of damage control operation ( DCO ) for severe pancreatic trauma.

31. Her engineering officer, damage control officer, and some twenty men remained on board working to save the ship.

Kỹ sư phòng máy, sĩ quan kiểm soát hư hỏng và khoảng 20 người ở lại để cứu con tàu.

32. Results: The patients on damage control operation with serious abdominal trauma recovered equability, the abdomen complication was controled utility.

33. Although Mitchell had required "war-time conditions", the ships sunk were obsolete, stationary, defenseless and had no damage control.

Cho dù Mitchell yêu cầu những "điều kiện trong thời chiến", những con tàu bị đánh chìm đã lạc hậu, đứng yên, không được bảo vệ và không có những đội cứu hộ kiểm soát hư hỏng.

34. It felt good to have something important and challenging to keep one busy,[Sentencedict] even if it was damage control.

35. 5 Results: The patients on damage control operation with serious abdominal trauma recovered equability,(www.Sentencedict.com) the abdomen complication was controled utility.

36. Wars, rape, and abuse of youths call for extraordinary efforts in damage control on the part of adults who truly care for them.

Chiến tranh, nạn hiếp dâm và lạm dụng giới trẻ đòi hỏi những người thật sự quan tâm đến chúng phải nỗ lực phi thường nhằm hạn chế tổn thất nơi giới trẻ.

37. Immediate damage control measures prevented any serious damage and Murphy's crew effected repairs in time to join other fire support ships in silencing the Cape Blondin guns.

Các biện pháp kiểm soát hư hỏng kịp thời đã giúp ngăn ngừa những hư hại nghiêm trọng, và thủy thủ đoàn đã sửa chữa kịp thời để lại tham gia cùng các tàu hỗ trợ hỏa lực khác để vô hiệu hóa các khẩu pháo ở mũi Blondin.

38. At least one major hotel player has had to do conventional (aka public relations) spin/damage control after some ill-advise comments posted by an authorized employee.

39. 20 Condemnation from gay groups and the French government forced the Vatican into damage control over remarks by the pope's right-hand man linking paedophilia to homosexuality.

40. Has no interest in engaging in damage control via a platform that bypasses editors and media filters, when bad press about your company is all over the news.

41. In 2267 , Russ was part of the damage control party that beamed over to the damaged USS Constellation after it was discovered adrift, following an attack by a planet killer .

42. United States Navy experts consequently subjected the ship to close scrutiny to derive damage control measures which could be applicable to ships of her type still in service with the Navy.

Các chuyên gia Hải quân Hoa Kỳ sau đó đã xem xét kỹ lưỡng con tàu nhằm đề xuất các biện pháp kiểm soát hư hỏng, vốn có thể áp dụng cho các con tàu cùng kiểu đang phục vụ cùng hải quân.

43. Battlewagon 2.0 In 2018 Ruben at Damage Control Customs suggested that rather than upgrade the Battlewagon to a 4 speed, I should sell it and use the proceeds to buy a newer A2 (3rd

44. Bumbling Biden: White House Cringes as Biden makes another gaffe By Keith Preston on March 9, 2021 • ( 1 Comment ) The White House has been forced into damage control after President Joe Biden seemingly forgot the name of his own Defense Secretary during an …

45. "If a ship experiences an emergency at sea, sailors have to immediately spring into action and put their damage control skills into practice in order to keep the ship afloat and operational," said Chief Petty Officer, 2nd Class Fabien Desgagné, organizer of the games.

46. Critter Control of Walton County Phone: (850) 713-4142 Local Animal Removal & Wildlife Services Each Critter Control office is ecologically responsible, ensuring that only environmentally sound solutions and humane animal removal techniques are used for all animal control, animal damage control and nuisance wildlife removal problems.

47. ‘The Boatswain and master of the ship appear to say that it has been magically repaired and that the crew is safe.’ ‘Aviation Boatswain's mates wash down the flight deck aboard PCU Ronald Reagan following a test of damage control systems.’ ‘Take for instance, the Boatswain's mate who needs to put that new coat of paint on the bulkhead.’