couple-year of protection in Vietnamese

số cặp-năm được tránh thai [ số biện pháp tránh thai được phân phối trong một chương trình trong một năm theo loại, nhân với độ dài thời gian ( tính theo năm ) chúng được sử dụng một cách hiệu quả ]

Sentence patterns related to "couple-year of protection"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "couple-year of protection" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "couple-year of protection", or refer to the context using the word "couple-year of protection" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The couple was found guilty of violation of child protection laws.

2. I put down a couple of cases of claret last year.

3. The couple eventually wed after three year engagement.

4. Smallpox was killing a couple million kids a year.

Bệnh đậu mùa mỗi năm cướp đi vài triệu trẻ em.

5. The couple eventually wed after an eighteen year engagement.

6. San Pedro’ restaurant scene has grown Considerablyover the last couple of year

7. The couple adopted a child at the end of the third year of barrenness.

8. Thoroughly clean your Cassette at least a couple times per year

9. After dating a couple of guys, Amy met her soul mate, Tom, last year.

10. I have been reliably informed that the couple will marry next year.

11. Besides this, she won a couple of awards for being the best debutant actress of the year.

12. - Number and ratio of authorisations with data protection regime granted to innovative foods per year.

13. And so, last year, he fobbed his house off on a couple of unsuspecting hippies, and split.

14. Together the couple earns a meager $10,000 a year —poverty level by American standards.

15. At least 50% of the money in the Fund each year will be allotted to the rehabilitation and protection of trafficking victims each year.

16. The new law on the protection of the environments is applicable to everybody from next year.

17. Due to a lack of protection, thousands of birds were captured for the pet trade every year.

Do thiếu sự bảo vệ, hàng ngàn con chim bị bắt để buôn bán vật nuôi mỗi năm.

18. European Data Protection Supervisor: Final annual accounts of the European Communities- Financial Year # (SEC# [[#]]- C#-#/#- #/#(DEC

19. Advance tickets are $ 10 per person and $ 25 per couple, and sell out every year.

20. Several times a year, the couple would load their cameras and head for mustang country.

21. 22 The new law on the protection of the environments is applicable to everybody from next year.

22. At a couple of points that year, the project actually got axed, and Raskin had to beg more indulgence.

23. Micron 350 is a premium Antifouling, offering outstanding 2-year protection in all conditions

24. At the end of my first year in school, in the summer of that year, I discovered a couple hummingbirds that were caught in a shed near my home.

Cuối năm đầu tiên ở trường, vào mùa hè năm đó, tôi đã phát hiện ra một đôi chim ruồi bị bắt nhốt trong một cái lồng gần nhà mình.

25. "Miller Cabinetmakers" Cabinetry S A M P L E 10 Year Protection Plan