cosmos in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. the cosmos vũ trụ
2. sự trật tự, sự hài hòa
3. hệ thống hài hòa (tư tưởng...)
4.(thực vật học) cúc vạn thọ tây

Sentence patterns related to "cosmos"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cosmos" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cosmos", or refer to the context using the word "cosmos" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Chaos becomes cosmos.

Sự hỗn độn trở thành vũ trụ có trật tự.

2. Behold the biological cosmos!

Hãy cùng chiêm ngưỡng vũ trụ sinh học!

3. They dance off into the cosmos.

4. Cosmos caudatus is an annual plant in the genus Cosmos, bearing purple, pink, or white ray florets.

Cosmos caudatus là thực vật một năm trong chi Cosmos, với các chiếc hoa tia màu tím, hồng hay trắng.

5. Cosmos has been Aggressively eating market share

6. Banality is the wet blanket of the cosmos.

7. Now, the cosmos grants you a rhythm section.

8. Chrysopidae are attracted mainly by Asteraceae – e.g. calliopsis (Coreopsis), cosmos (Cosmos), sunflowers (Helianthus) and dandelion (Taraxacum) – and Apiaceae such as dill (Anethum) or angelica (Angelica).

Chrysopidae thường bị thu hút chủ yếu bởi các loài hoa trong họ Cúc (Asteraceae) - ví dụ: cúc kim kê (Coreopsis), cúc vạn thọ (Cosmos), hướng dương (Helianthus) và bồ công anh (Taraxacum) - và Họ Hoa tán như thì là (Anethum) hoặc bạch chỉ (Angelica).

9. The physical cosmos does not see to be necessary.

10. Characteristic of the cosmos or its phenomena: Cosmic events

11. I consulted on the cosmos choice with my family.

12. Scientists can now create computerized models of the cosmos.

13. The knowledge of nature -- Nature's spans -- Natural Coexistents -- The cosmos

14. He has wandered the cosmos now for millions of years.

Anh ta đã trở thành... một bóng ma hình người trong tàu con thoi...

15. The center of the geocentric cosmos had not been salubrious.

16. By meditating, I try to Attune myself to the greater cosmos

17. Antimatter was simply seen as exotic stuff in an eternal cosmos

18. Originally published by Cosmos as Hot weather Banjaxes bird bollocks

19. The knowledge of nature -- Nature\'s spans -- Natural Coexistents -- The cosmos

20. They are called cosmos and are native to the American tropics.

Chúng được gọi là cúc vạn thọ tây, có nguồn gốc từ vùng nhiệt đới Mỹ Châu.

21. God is not subjected to paramount immutable laws of the cosmos.

22. Scientists continue looking for clues on how the cosmos was created.

23. Life is a dance with the cosmos. Goldie Hawn 

24. The thing about science -- natural science -- is that we can spin fantastic theories about the cosmos, and have complete confidence that the cosmos is completely indifferent to our theories.

Khoa học..., khoa học tự nhiên có cái hay ở chỗ ta có thể thêu dệt nên muôn vàn giả thuyết kỳ thú về vũ trụ mà vẫn hoàn toàn tự tin rằng vũ trụ chẳng hề quan tâm đến những giả thuyết ấy.

25. Cosmology is the study of the universe, or cosmos, regarded as a whole

26. Cosmos flowers are also known for their pinnate and Bipinnate feathery-style leaves.

27. This radical idea is leading... to a completely new definition of the cosmos.

Ý tưởng cấp tiến đang dẫn đầu... đến một định nghĩa hoàn toàn mới của vũ trụ.

28. The Palace was an emporium dedicated to the palates of the cosmos.

29. 66 synonyms for Creation: universe, world, life, nature, cosmos, natural world, living world, all

30. 15 She was studious, read much, and liked to talk about the cosmos.

31. These new discoveries have broken new ground in the exploration of the cosmos.

32. In 2010, he was named the Honorary President of the New York Cosmos.

Năm 2010, ông được bổ nhiệm làm Chủ tịch danh dự của New York Cosmos.

33. In judeo - christianity and most monotheistic religions, objects can represent a view of the cosmos.

34. Pantheism is invariably present when the eternal and cyclic view of the cosmos prevails.

35. He distinguishes between two different types of order, which he calls taxis and cosmos.

36. I felt formless, part of time and space, an essence, a piece of cosmos.

37. This is a sound-based planetarium show exploring the rhythm and harmony of the cosmos.

Đây là chương trình thiên văn dựa vào âm thanh khám phá ra nhịp điệu và sự hài hòa của vũ trụ.

38. Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics: Astrophysics is the application of physics to the cosmos

39. First thing I remember is flickering... adrift in the cosmos utterly... and entirely alone.

Điều đầu tiên ta nhớ là mấp máy đôi mắt, trôi dạt trong vũ trụ, và hoàn toàn đơn độc.

40. Fertility was not the issue; the movement of the whole cosmos was in purview.

41. Just compare Cosmos value - we are convinced you won't find a better deal anywhere!

42. Aristotle might affirm that it was impossible for another cosmos like our own to exist.

43. Though cosmos are not native in Israel, they certainly support the lesson Jesus was teaching.

Dù cúc vạn thọ tây không có nguồn gốc ở nước Y-sơ-ra-ên nhưng chắc chắn nó giúp chứng minh bài học Chúa Giê-su dạy.

44. It's going to work the same damn way no matter what theories we have about the cosmos.

Vụ trũ vẫn cứ tiếp diễn theo cách riêng mặc kệ mớ lý thuyết ta đặt ra về nó.

45. In these instances, Cosmos will do the utmost to ensure the least possible inconvenience to our clients.

46. Cosmology was the study of the cosmos—the structure, organization and composition of all that existed

47. Fixed Star Algol 25° or 26° Taurus The most evil star in the cosmos

48. Aurelion Sol once graced the vast emptiness of the cosmos with celestial wonders of his own devising

49. So, from a safe distance, he plucked meanings from the cosmos and wove them together in reassurance.

50. Aurelion Sol once graced the vast emptiness of the cosmos with celestial wonders of his own devising