continental sea in Vietnamese

biển lục địa, biển trong lục địa

Sentence patterns related to "continental sea"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "continental sea" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "continental sea", or refer to the context using the word "continental sea" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. 8 Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea.

2. As the sea level rose further still, most of the continental islands were submerged.

Khi mực nước biển tăng cao hơn, hầu hết các hòn đảo lục địa bị nhấn chìm.

3. Continental synonyms, Continental pronunciation, Continental translation, English dictionary definition of Continental

4. Earth’s crust today is made of thick, Buoyant continental crust that stands proud above the sea

5. The North Sea located on the continental shelf has different waves from those in deep ocean water.

Biển Bắc nằm trên thềm lịc địa có các dạng sóng khác với sóng ở những vùng nước biển sâu.

6. The Bigeye Ocean Perch lives in deep sea levels, on flat, hard seabeds in upper continental slope waters

7. About 70.8% of the surface is covered by water, with much of the continental shelf below sea level.

Nước bao phủ khoảng 70,8% bề mặt Trái Đất, với phần lớn thềm lục địa ở dưới mực nước biển.

8. Hiddensee is dominated macro-climatically by the Baltic Sea coastal climate with frequent alternation between maritime and continental influences.

9. Understanding of the biogeography of the region centers on the relationship of ancient sea levels to the continental shelves.

Hiểu biết về địa sinh học của khu vực tập trung vào mối quan hệ của mực nước biển cổ đại với các thềm lục địa.

10. Continental engines, Continental Crankcases, parts, and engine accessories

11. 25 The continental crust was formed through the continental nucleus, platform, Pangea, continental splitting, continental accretion, intercontinental collision and orogeny in its progress.

12. Before Brexit, many truck drivers took their loads from Ireland to continental Europe by crossing the Irish Sea, driving across

13. 14 The continental crust was formed through the continental nucleus, platform, Pangea, continental splitting, continental accretion, intercontinental collision and orogeny in its progress.

14. The Coral Sea basin was formed between 58 million and 48 million years ago when the Queensland continental shelf was uplifted, forming the Great Dividing Range, and continental blocks subsided at the same time.

Vũng Biển San hô được hình thành từ khoảng 58 - 48 triệu năm trước vì thềm lục địa Queensland nâng lên, tạo thành dãy núi Great Dividing Range, và cùng lúc đó, các khối lục địa lún xuống.

15. Land abandonment and marginalisation also concern continental and sub-continental middle mountains"(40).

16. Bathyal: translation pertaining to or living on the sea floor at a depth range of 200-4000 metres, on the continental slope and rise

17. Continental Carbonic Products, Inc

18. Ambon field region is located on the Chukchi Sea continental shelf in the US Arctic as a region exposed to climatic changes and anthropogenic influences

19. Welcome to Continental Auto Group

20. Continental slopes and abyssal plains

21. Continental New Crankcases And Assemblies

22. Continental Tire the Americas, LLC ‘General’ is the trade name for Continental Tire the Americas, LLC

23. Continental 895,742 followers on LinkedIn.

24. American breakfast or Continental breakfast?

25. Continental Paper & Plastics Corp