cone-shaped in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "cone-shaped"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cone-shaped" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cone-shaped", or refer to the context using the word "cone-shaped" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. 9 synonyms for Conical: cone-shaped, pointed, tapered, tapering, pyramidal, funnel-shaped, conelike, cone-shaped, conic

2. A cone - shaped ornament or receptacle.

3. The cone-shaped strainer part of a Chinois …

4. An American Arborvitae tree is full and cone shaped.

5. You see the big ice-cream-cone-shaped things?

6. The houses of the Southern Athapaskan groups were cone-shaped

7. The sensory epithelium of the Cristae ampullaris appears as a prominent crest overlying cone-shaped connective tissue; the extracellular membrane of the crista ampullaris is a cone-shaped cupula

8. Banksias are known for their distinctive, often large cone-shaped flower spikes.

9. A Chinois is a cone-shaped sieve made with fine metal mesh

10. A Countersink is a cone-shaped hole that is bored into a PCB

11. Arcturus is the alpha star of a cone-shaped constellation called Boötes the Herdsman

12. Chinois strainers and china caps are cone-shaped strainers used for broths, soups, purees, and more

13. In the human eye, the retina normally contains three kinds of cone-shaped color-sensitive cells.

14. Synonyms for Conoid include conical, cone-shaped, funnel-shaped, pointed, tapered, tapering, pyramidal, coned, conic and Conoidal

15. The term “Conoid” refers to the cone-shaped roof structures designed by George for his architectural work

16. The rotor is also shaped as a bow or cone-shaped coin eccentric to the rotary shaft.

17. Bullet: a usually round or cone-shaped little piece of lead made to be fired from a firearm.

18. Temperate Butterworts (Pinguicula) Temperate Butterworts (Pinguicula) survive long, cold winters by dying down to small, cone shaped hibernacula

19. Arjuna known scientifically as Terminalia Arjuna is a fairly tall plant with cone-shaped leaves and yellow flowers

20. Anthill (plural Anthills) A cone-shaped formation constructed from sediment and other available materials by ants or termites

21. Arjuna, also known as Terminalia Arjuna is an evergreen plant with yellow-colored flowers and cone-shaped leaves

22. • Talus or Scree Slopes - cone-shaped accumulations of rocks pried loose from steep glacier-scoured valley walls by frost action.

23. • Talus or Scree Slopes – cone-shaped accumulations of rocks pried loose from steep glacier-scoured valley walls by frost action.

24. The Chinois is a cone-shaped strainer with a tightly woven mesh for filtering impurities from stocks, soups and sauces

25. In the heart, the Auricle is a small, cone-shaped pouch that projects from the atrium, one of the upper chambers

26. The Conserve are large cone-shaped storage tanks, where fish was once stored, until the 1930s, before the advent of refrigeration.

27. Conic adjective cone-shaped, pointed, tapered, tapering, pyramidal, funnel-shaped We were soon aware of a great Conical shape to the north-east

28. Keratoconus (a thin, cone-shaped cornea) and glaucoma (increased eye pressure) are also more common, as are refractive errors requiring glasses or contacts.

29. As a result, radio waves are generated through a cyclotron maser mechanism, and the energy is transmitted out along a cone-shaped surface.

Kết quả là, sóng vô tuyến được sinh ra thông qua cơ chế phát xạ maser xyclotron, và năng lượng được truyền dọc theo bề mặt hình nón.

30. Countersinks cut a cone-shaped opening to install screws and rivets flush with a surface or hold workpieces between centers on a lathe

31. As we enter the foyer, we notice that sunlight filters through the two layers of glass in the cone-shaped mouths of the shells.

32. Belemnites had a large, cone-shaped internal shell with a complex structure that served as a support for muscles and as a hydrostatic device.

33. If you've never heard of a Chinois, it's a cone-shaped strainer that's often seen in professional kitchens and used for a multitude of purposes.

34. Antlions (Family Myrmeleontidae) build cone-shaped ant traps in sheltered sandy areas and wait under the bottom of the trap for an ant to fall in

35. Bending their long necks, they scoop up mud, bird dung, and a few feathers to form a cone-shaped mound some 16 inches [40 cm] high.

Chúi cái cổ dài xuống, chúng vốc bùn, phân chim và một ít lông lên để làm thành một ụ đất hình chóp cao chừng 40 centimét.

36. Alcoholometers and alcohol hydrometers are glass instruments, consisting of:-a cylindrical body, the bottom of which is cone-shaped or hemispherical so that it does not entrap air bubbles

37. The famed Chocolate Hills of Bohol are not only two but more than 1,268 cone-shaped hills – a very strange geological formation that has baffled a lot of geologists

38. Alcoholometers and alcohol hydrometers are glass instruments, consisting of: - a cylindrical body, the bottom of which is cone-shaped or hemispherical so that it does not entrap air bubbles,

39. There is a kind of humble-bee that builds a cone-shaped nest of clay against a stone or in some similar situation, Besmearing the clay with something like spittle

40. SM cone Burs have a long cone-shaped cutting head with a pointed end that fits into V-shaped slots, countersunk holes, and narrow or tapered openings such as gear teeth

41. The Elizabethan Collar, or E-Collar, is a wide, plastic, cone-shaped Collar used to prevent your dog from licking or scratching wounds and/or after a veterinary procedure while they heal

42. Bonbons can be round, square, cone-shaped, and so on, and they are often decorated with bright colors, cocoa nibs, and freeze-dried raspberries—or even in one desperately-seeking-millennials move to look like tattoos

43. The spacecraft was of the Ranger Block I design and consisted of a hexagonal base 1.5-meter (4 ft 11 in) across upon which was mounted a cone-shaped 4-meter-high tower of aluminum struts and braces.

Tàu vũ trụ là của Ranger Block I hiết kế và bao gồm hình lục giác 1,5 mét (4 ft 11 in) trên đó đã được gắn một tháp hình nón cao 4 mét hình nón thanh chống nhôm và niềng răng.

44. Throughout the aganglionic colon section, processes of intrinsic neurons are absent; but close to the cone-shaped transitional section abnormal nerve fascicles are present, bound by hypertrophic perineurium, and contain masses of collagen in distended endoneurial interspaces.

45. Traditionally, they are served in a "cornet de frites" (French) or "puntzak " (Flemish), a cone-shaped white piece of thick paper then wrapped in a piece of thin (and coloured) paper, with the sauce on the top.

Theo truyền thống, nó được phục vụ trong một "cornet de frites" (tiếng Pháp) hoặc "puntzak" (tiếng Hà Lan), một miếng vỏ hình nón sau đó, bọc trong một mảnh giấy, với nước sốt ở trên.

46. A Cutaneous horn, also known as cornu cutaneum, refers to a specific appearance of a skin lesion in which a cone-shaped protuberance arises on the skin caused by overgrowth of the most superficial layer of skin (epidermis)

47. A Chinois is a cone-shaped sieve, or strainer, and is a handy kitchen utensil to have for giving sauces and soups a smooth finish as well as for other tasks such as sifting powdered sugar onto baked goods

48. ‘He also outlawed the traditional fez, a Brimless, cone-shaped, red hat.’ ‘Everyone who works production at the plant wears white coveralls and a Brimless white cap.’ ‘It consisted of a piece of cloth that was sewn to a finely embroidered, Brimless hat.’

49. ‘He also outlawed the traditional fez, a Brimless, cone-shaped, red hat.’ ‘Everyone who works production at the plant wears white coveralls and a Brimless white cap.’ ‘It consisted of a piece of cloth that was sewn to a finely embroidered, Brimless hat.’

50. ‘The sparkling, Bedizened, colourful Khan army had started marching nonetheless, spears and scimitars held high, saluting the sun.’ ‘The spiritual heart of a Vegas Christmas is the perfectly cone-shaped, 60-foot synthetic tree in front of Caesars Palace, Bedizened with 216,510 lights.’