compensated metabolic alkalosis in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "compensated metabolic alkalosis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "compensated metabolic alkalosis" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "compensated metabolic alkalosis", or refer to the context using the word "compensated metabolic alkalosis" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Compensated alkalosis: alkalosis in which there is a change in bicarbonate but the pH of body fluids approaches normal; respiratory alkalosis may be Compensated by increased production of metabolic acids or increased renal excretion of bicarbonate; metabolic alkalosis is …

2. Also called metabolic Alkalosis

3. Also called metabolic Alkalosis

4. Alkalosis may be either metabolic or respiratory in origin.

5. Metabolic Alkalosis: The levels of bicarbonate abnormally increase in thebloodstream.

6. 7 The history, examination, and electrolyte levels suggest mild metabolic alkalosis.

7. Rebound metabolic alkalosis is a transient alkalemia that is seen during recovery from NH4Cl-induced metabolic acidosis.

8. Metabolic Alkalosis is a condition caused by the loss of potassium or chloride in your blood, tissues, and muscles. What are the signs and symptoms of metabolic Alkalosis?

9. Metabolic Alkalosis is a common acid-base disorder, especially in critically ill patients.

10. Reversal of metabolic alkalosis may facilitate weaning from mechanical ventilation of COPD patients.

11. An occasional metabolic acidosis was counteracted after two hours into a respiratory alkalosis.

12. Excessive intake of sodium bicarbonate to relieve the acid in stomach causes temporary metabolic Alkalosis

13. In other types of potassium derangement, the acid-base balance is usually disturbed, with metabolic alkalosis and metabolic acidosis often being present.

14. The effects of renal sodium excretion was examined in individual comparative studies during metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis in hydropenic hypertensive individuals.

15. Acid-base results showed a mild, partially compensated metabolic acidosis, indicating adequate pulmonary function.

16. The classical features of primary aldosteronism—hypertension, hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis—were first described by J.

17. Metabolic Alkalosis is an acid-base disturbance caused by an elevation in the plasma bicarbonate (HCO3) concentration

18. Diuretics are particularly likely to cause these complications typically including volume depletion, metabolic alkalosis, hyponatremia, and hypokalemia.

19. Metabolic Alkalosis is usually caused by an increase in HCO 3 −, reabsorption secondary to volume, potassium, or Cl − loss; Traditional thinking was Alkalosis was divided into contraction and noncontraction Alkalosis; however, new literature suggests it is really

20. Pseudo-Bartter Syndrome is defined by a hypochloremic-hypokaliemic metabolic alkalosis but without primary tubular renal defects.

21. Treatment with loop diuretics might result in hypochloremic metabolic acidosis nowadays termed chloride-depletion alkalosis for pathophysiological reasons.

22. It was established that acute alcohol delirium is mostly accompanied by alkalosis of metabolic, respiratory, or mixed origin.

23. Metabolic Alkalosis is characterized by a variation in the pH levels beyond the normal range of 7.35 – 7.45

24. Bartter and Gitelman syndromes are both autosomal recessive conditions characterized by renal salt wasting, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis.

25. The effect of metabolic Alkalosis on central and peripheral mechanisms associated with exercise-induced muscle fatigue in humans