community evolution in Vietnamese

sự tiến hoá quần xã

Sentence patterns related to "community evolution"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "community evolution" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "community evolution", or refer to the context using the word "community evolution" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. * We stand at an important juncture in the evolution of a more integrated South Asian economic community.

2. * The Encyclopædia Britannica reports: “The theory of evolution is accepted by the overwhelming majority of the scientific community.”

3. The Community contribution will be disbursed annually based on a multiannual plan and taking into account the evolution of demand

4. The Community contribution will be disbursed annually based on a multiannual plan and taking into account the evolution of demand.

5. Evolution.

Sư tiến hoá.

6. Anagenesis is called phyletic evolution or progressive evolution

7. Cultural evolution quickly outpaced biological evolution, and history proper began.

Quá trình phát triển văn hoá đạt bước tiến nhảy vọt so với quá trình phát triển sinh học, và lịch sử thực sự bắt đầu.

8. Welcome to the new Airheads Community! This is a natural next step in our evolution for Airheads and all of our users

9. Evolution and Adaptation.

10. Evolution run amok.

Chúng ta mất dấu nó rồi.

11. The Space Science and Astrobiology Division continues to provide NASA and the community core interdisciplinary scientific expertise and capabilities that advance the understanding of the Molecular Evolution in the Galaxy, detail the Evolution and Formation of Planetary Systems, and expand our knowledge of the Origin and Evolution of Life in the Universe.

12. Altruistic Behavior & Evolution

13. So all these steps in evolution are increasing, basically, the evolution of evolvability.

Vì vậy tất cả những bước này trong tiến hóa đang tăng lên, một cách cơ bản, liến hóa của sự tiến hóa.

14. And amazingly, that evolution sustains the trajectory that biological evolution had established toward greater complexity.

15. Genetic evolution is necessarily slow.

16. Evolution requires genetic change, mutation.

17. (See also Evolution; Missing Links)

18. Myths and misconceptions about evolution.

Huyền thoại và quan niệm sai lầm về sự tiến hóa.

19. Theistic evolution regards religious teachings about God as compatible with modern scientific understanding about biological evolution.

Tiến hóa hữu thần là khái niệm tương tự khẳng định rằng lời dạy cổ điển tôn giáo về Thiên Chúa là tương thích với sự hiểu biết khoa học hiện đại về sự tiến hóa sinh học.

20. Adapting to evolution in technology

21. By Evolution or by Creation?

22. Global de-evolution, extinction events.

Sự tiến hóa toàn cầu, sự kiện tuyệt chủng.

23. The evolution of Arthropodan locomotory mechanisms

24. Anthozoans and the evolution of reefs

25. The theory of evolution became popular.

Trước hết là sự ra đời của thuyết tiến hóa.