commissural in Vietnamese

(thuộc) mép

Sentence patterns related to "commissural"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "commissural" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "commissural", or refer to the context using the word "commissural" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Aquicultural, Armigeral, biliteral, carnivoral, cerebrovisceral, commissural, dipteral, figural, foraminiferal

2. Draxin knockout mice showed defasciculation of spinal cord commissural axons and absence of all forebrain Commissures

3. Commissural fibers of the brain, also known as commissural tracts of the brain or Commissures are a type of white matter tract that cross the midline, connecting the same cortical area in opposite hemispheres (right-left hemispheric connections 3).

4. Many Axons are commissural, crossing the midline to course in Axon tracts and innervate synaptic targets on the opposite side of the neuraxis

5. Nevertheless, spinal Commissures were observed to form normally in mice lacking DSCAM, indicating that DSCAM is dispensable in the navigation of commissural axons towards the floor plate

6. The Corpus callosum (Latin for "tough body"), also callosal commissure, is a wide, thick nerve tract, consisting of a flat bundle of commissural fibers, beneath the cerebral cortex in the brain.The Corpus callosum is only found in placental mammals