commercial value in Vietnamese

giá trị thị trường

Sentence patterns related to "commercial value"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "commercial value" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "commercial value", or refer to the context using the word "commercial value" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The company does not abandon timber of commercial value.

2. Criterion 4.7:The company does not abandon timber of commercial value.

3. In that era, large rabbits were valued for their commercial value.

Trong thời kỳ đó, thỏ lớn đã được đánh giá cao vì giá trị thương mại.

4. Biotite Biotite is black magnesium/iron-based mica of low commercial value

5. This yellow solid is the one of two phosphorus sulfides of commercial value.

Nó là một chất rắn màu vàng và là một trong hai phốtpho sulfua có giá trị thương mại.

6. The resulting liquid is called natural gas liquid (NGL) and has commercial value.

Chất lỏng thu được được gọi là chất lỏng khí tự nhiên (NGL) và có giá trị thương mại.

7. What does Commodification mean? The assignment of a commercial value to something previously valueless

8. - the actual or potential commercial value of the information by virtue of its secrecy,

9. the actual or potential commercial value of the information by virtue of its secrecy

10. the information has actual or potential commercial value by virtue of its secrecy; and

11. (b) the actual or potential commercial value of the information by virtue of its confidentiality;

12. Blackberries have a high commercial value due to their use in juice, jam, cakes, and other food products

13. Although my research has commercial value, it is also linked to efforts to understand how the universe began.

Ngoài giá trị thương mại, các nghiên cứu của tôi còn góp phần vào việc tìm hiểu cách vũ trụ khởi đầu.

14. Despite the wide variety of known antibiotics, less than 1% of antimicrobial agents have medical or commercial value.

Mặc dù có nhiều loại kháng sinh đã biết, nhưng dưới 1% các chất kháng sinh có giá trị y tế hoặc thương mại.

15. Much of the world's demand is now met by synthetically produced nitrates, though the natural mineral is still mined and is still of significant commercial value.

Phần lớn nhu cầu toàn cầu hiện nay được đảm bảo bằng nitrat sản xuất theo phương pháp tổng hợp, mặc dù khoáng vật tự nhiên vẫn được khai thác và vẫn cón giá trị thương mại đáng kể.

16. There are a fairly large number of both lithium mineral and brine deposits but only comparatively few of them are of actual or potential commercial value.

Có một số lượng khá lớn của cả khoáng liti và mỏ muối nhưng chỉ một ít trong số chúng thực sự hoặc có tiềm năng giá trị thương phẩm.

17. When you partner with us, we become part of your Technology Transfer Team (TTO), helping you to cost effectively sort through your reagents, to identify and Commercialise those reagents with scientific or commercial value.

18. Appropriation and the Right of Publicity For those whose identity carries with it fame or celebrity, and thus greater commercial value, there is an additional right of publicity that prevents unauthorized commercial uses of their identity.

19. Aside from the commercial value of Achiote as a source of annatto colorant, Achiote has long been used by the natives of Southern America as dye for food and textile, as decorative body paint, in spiritual ceremonies and rituals and as an herbal medicine.

20. CryptoChiton stelleri is native to the temperate Northern Pacific and is the world's largest species of Chiton, reaching a maximum length of up to 33 cm1, 2, 3, thus making it an ideal research system for investigating radular tooth architecture and mechanics.Despite its large size, the meat of this mollusk has no commercial value and is generally not considered palatable.