comings in Vietnamese

danh từ
sự đến, sự tới

tính từ
1. sắp tới, sắp đến
2. có tương lai, có triển vọng, hứa hẹ

Sentence patterns related to "comings"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "comings" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "comings", or refer to the context using the word "comings" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Good Chipping makes up for a lot of the other short comings in your game

2. Synonyms for Appearings include appearance, arrival, advents, comings, manifestation, emergence, inceptions, occurrences, birth and dawn

3. Synonyms for Advents include appearance, arrival, comings, approaches, occurrences, dawn, emergence, birth, development and entrance

4. Synonyms for Approachings include approaches, advances, arrival, comings, reachings, advancements, advents, progress, progression and appearings

5. What if we could track the activities and the comings and goings of criminals who commit crimes?

6. In another poem called " Station " he is fascinated by the comings and goings of bustling passengers on the platform .

7. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB There was often a Brusqueness in her comings and goings, but she usually left a flavour of herself behind

8. A Bitch will post what she wants and when she wants to but doesn’t feel the need to update the world on her comings and goings.

9. By means of newspaper listings or the port authority’s public computer system, the harbor pioneers keep track of the comings and goings of ships they have visited.

Nhờ những cột rao vặt trên báo chí hoặc qua hệ thống điện toán công cộng của nhà chức trách hải cảng, những người khai thác tại bến tàu theo dõi những chuyến cặp bến và lìa bến những chiếc tàu mà họ đã thăm viếng.

10. Megan McCafferty is the author of Bumped as well as the New York Times bestselling Jessica Darling series, which includes Sloppy Firsts, Second Helpings, Charmed Thirds, Fourth Comings, and Perfect Fifths

11. 11 A guard sits near the ticket booth, monitoring the comings and goings through the portal, making sure that too many people don't do it at the same time and alarm the Muggles.

12. The Two Advents of Jesus Christ What are the differences between the two Advents (comings) of Jesus Christ to earth? In His first advent, Jesus Christ came to earth as a baby in a manger in Bethlehem, just as predicted 600 years before

13. Watteau's touch is as nervous as his subject, as though the paintings themselves belonged to the same psychic reality that was lived by his traveling companies of actors, or his Amorists arising from the enchantments of Cythera, or his lords and ladies pausing to embrace or to execute a diversionary dance or to break for a moment the restless comings and goings of frantic and distracted days.