child rearing in Vietnamese

uôi dạy co

Sentence patterns related to "child rearing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "child rearing" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "child rearing", or refer to the context using the word "child rearing" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The Problems of Child Rearing

Những vấn đề trong việc nuôi dạy trẻ

2. The most challenging is undoubtedly child rearing.

Khó khăn lớn nhất hiển nhiên là việc nuôi dạy con trẻ.

3. “There are many conflicting opinions on child rearing today.

“Ngày nay, người ta có nhiều quan điểm mâu thuẫn về việc nuôi dạy con cái.

4. How do child-rearing and old age add to stress?

Việc nuôi dạy con cái và tuổi già tạo thêm mối căng thẳng như thế nào?

5. Are they taught to view child rearing as women’s work?

Họ có quan niệm việc nuôi dạy con là của phụ nữ không?

6. And child rearing is no less a challenge in developing lands.

Tại những xứ đang mở mang, nuôi cho con lớn lên cũng khó khăn chẳng kém.

7. The stream of books written on child rearing would dry up.

8. So said a Time magazine review of a book on child rearing.

Đó là nhận định của tạp chí Time về một cuốn sách hướng dẫn cách dạy con.

9. The styles of child rearing affect the development of a child's autonomy.

Các phong cách nuôi dạy trẻ ảnh hưởng đến sự phát triển tự chủ của trẻ.

10. Godly parents are not unduly influenced by local cultural views about child-rearing.

11. All along, however, the Bible has offered clear, reasonable counsel on child rearing.

12. Let us consider these three aspects of child rearing one at a time.

Chúng ta hãy lần lượt xem xét ba khía cạnh của việc nuôi dạy con cái.

13. 19 And these would in turn improve the circumstances of childbearing and child rearing.

14. 16 Black psychologists crushed the notion that child rearing was the same, regardless of cultural background.

15. 4 There are also difficulties of child-rearing and politicking at one and the same time.

16. A good old - anking is out of the question: no modern child - rearing manual would permIt'such barbarity.

17. Interestingly, before industrialization, child-rearing manuals in the United States were generally addressed to fathers, not mothers.

18. 29 There were days when child-rearing seemed like an endless treadmill of feeding, washing and nappy-changing.

19. Polygamy is prevented by wives who resent sharing their husbands lest they also share his contributions to child rearing.

20. 22 Polygamy is prevented by wives who resent sharing their husbands lest they also share his contributions to child rearing.

21. 11 Furthermore, the conditions under which child rearing occurs frequently makes it difficult for women to really enjoy that experience.

22. 10 This family carries out its child rearing and educating functions inevitably at the expense of career opportunities for women.

23. And his father was a workaholic who sacrificed child-rearing to work at a furniture store he owned with a partner.

24. 9 Something else that has led to teenage rebellion is an unbalanced view of child rearing on the part of the parents.

25. He said: “It is very unwise for working parents to transfer the primary child-rearing function to somebody else, especially to center-based care.

26. “It was our Almanac, Bible rule of thumb, on child rearing and to say we would have been lost without it would be an understatement.

27. While the main purpose of the work is to describe childhood and child-rearing practices among the Araucanians, such information is set in a full ethnographic description of

28. Synonyms & Antonyms of Agreeing (Entry 2 of 2) 1 to have or come to the same opinion or point of view My husband and I agree on just about every aspect of child-rearing

29. When making plans and decisions —whether regarding housing, employment, child rearing, entertainment, vacations, or religious activities— husband and wife do well to take into account the feelings and opinions of the other mate. —Proverbs 11:14; 15:22.

30. Says the author of a book on child rearing: “If I were to stand in front of an audience . . . and advocate drunken orgies, getting high on cocaine, pot, or any of the other mind-bending drugs, they would look at me in stunned astonishment. . . .

Tác giả một cuốn sách về việc dạy dỗ trẻ nhỏ nói: “Giả thử nếu tôi đứng trước một số khán giả... và cổ võ việc rượu chè say sưa, dùng bạch phiến, ma-ri-hoa-na, hoặc bất cứ chất ma túy nào khác để có được cảm giác phơi phới thì họ sẽ sửng sốt ngạc nhiên nhìn tôi...

31. (This is is the big culture movement that transformed the domestic space and it gives us a glimpse of how homeyness is being transformed by new forces in in American culture: feminism, new child rearing, American individualism, the "Baggier" family, the celebrity culture, and, yes, artisanal chocolate again.)4.

32. Unlike most previous studies, this one allows researchers to control statistically for each mother's personality traits, her Adeptness at child rearing, and other important family influences before evaluating child care's contribution to infant attachment, asserts study coauthor Sarah Friedman of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) in Bethesda, Md.